![]() I want to make another public apology. I am sorry for using the words moronic, insane, and mutilate in my blog called What is a Man. I am sorry that I affected the feelings of discomfort in some people. Telling the truth is sometimes uncomfortable, so I will not apologize for this. Anybody who knows me personally should know that it is not my intent to hurt people. In fact, I am the first person to give a hug to a homeless person, a drug addict, or someone who is changing their gender. I don't care what someone chooses to be and how to live in this world, but if it is harming someone, even themselves, I care. I care how people treat one another, and I care that some people make irrational decisions and conclusions based on lies. I have studied many things over the years, one of which is mind control. I am also acute to the possession of mind control through the placebo effect on our mind, body, and soul. I understand the pieces of putting the mind-control tactics to work and how to get people to buy what "they" are selling, or fix how we are feeling. What are they selling is key to understanding the world around us. The bigger picture is not just commerce or exchange of goods and services for money, it is control of our sovereignty, our autonomy, our movement, and our minds. "You're insane! You're moronic! You're deserving of the mutilation!". I hear the mind-controlled saying right now. I have sold goods and services for over 30 years, and I was taught many tricks in the selling arena. I learned that to be successful in sales a person needs to be confident and convincing. If you can establish a need in the minds of your clients and/or customers then you are one step closer to sealing the deal, and of course, making the desired commission from the transaction. The slickest salesmen could sell freezers in Antarctica, and make the purchaser feel like they were improving their life, and that they couldn't live life without their new item. Lately, I have been seeing the selling frenzy for the spiritual realm, the divine, and God. It is crazy to watch. What do I mean? What about mind-control tactics to get people to purchase God? It works the same way, by convincing people that there is a magic formula to the divine world. Gurus and pastors speak with conviction and power, firm in their knowledge of the heavenly realms. So we listen to what they have to say and marvel at the fact that God is using them as an instrument of truth. Nobody ever questions whether or not God told them this or that, as the plate passes by our seat or during a meditation session of an all-inclusive multi-dollar spiritual retreat. In many circles today, especially in Western culture, the new form of mind control is drugs. Even in some spiritual circles drugs are being used to enter into a psychosis to have the user "experience" God. Micro-dosing has become the latest regenerated fad. It seems that all the "This is your brain on drugs" campaigns of the 1980s have now turned to "Lucy in the sky with diamonds is the wisdom of God". The micro-doers are adamant that they are experiencing God, and that their change in feelings is somehow connected to a spiritual consciousness and connection to the divine. The psychedelic drug trip is now considered a spiritual experience, and hallucinations are the transcending of one's existence within the unity of the world. Transcending is the newest buzzword and is an honorable attribute at its core, however transcending is something to be obtained and valued by being self-sacrificing, not to be self-serving. In the book Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, Huxley tells a tale of how to remove the human experience or feelings through the use of drugs. The drug of choice in the book is called Soma. Huxley was not only fixated on the idea of mind control through psychedelic drug use in theory. He was an active proponent of the adoption of government policy for the purpose of societal control. Huxley believed that Soma, or something similar, would help the government keep the population complacent and compliant. Furthermore, the drugs would help in mind control, anarchy control, population control, and so on. If the population is complacent and compliant, they would not desire to find true meaning or purpose for living. The controllers tell you what your meaning and purpose are, and if you refuse to be compliant with their purpose for you, you're removed from the system. Some of you reading this may be questioning my motives for telling you this. "I enjoy my life of servitude to voraciousness and ignorance is perpetuating my fake bliss", you reason. I write because I love people, I love the human experience, and I love our Creator. I believe that better times are coming for humanity, a Brave New World, but not like Huxley's design. I believe that everything that we are experiencing on earth is designed by God, but not everything designed by God is to be consumed. What is beneficial to our mind, spirit, and body should be obvious when wisdom is present, we wouldn't or shouldn't roll around in poison ivy, or play with venomous snakes. The wisdom to choose what we put in our bodies comes from God and not men propagating for profits and/or control. There is a story in the Bible of a man named Simon, found in Acts chapter 8, who profited from drugs. Simon used sorcery (Greek translation from pharmakeia, meaning drugs) to bewitch (trance) the people of Samaria. He was considered by the people of Samaria to possess great power from God. When the apostles, people "sent off" to teach about Jesus, came to Samaria, they offered without charge the Holy Spirit, by the laying of hands. Simon was amazed and chose to give up the peddling of drugs, that mimicked the power of God. Simon became an apostle and through his repentance was able to heal through the ministry of Jesus. The bottom line, Simon sacrificed his will for the will of others. There are many counterfeits of the power of God, masquerading as angels of light. These fake angles make great promises to a better life full of happiness, joy, and the creation of the Brave New World or Paradise Earth. I concur! I also believe that there is a new world coming and it is Biblical, Isaiah 65 and Revelation 22. I don't concur that the new world will be developed by a United Nations corporation of powerful men. I don't concur with the millions of Gamma's, Delta's, and Epsilon's being produced to help in perpetuating their system of control. I feel that it is my duty as a human being to help inform the public, and removing their minds from the stronghold of the hypnosis of control is the first step. I am in no way trying to undermine anyone's belief, or intense conditioning through massive hypnotic campaigning, of drug use. I will leave this blog with this, life is amazing or at the very least incredible. Experiencing God is being alive, it is that simple. It is birth and death and everything in between. We have been given free will to choose, this is an incredible responsibility, especially when accepting that God lives within. The Bible calls the God within our helper, the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost. Our individual choices affect others, those closest to us, and those whom we influence. Don't let the search for God or the small dopamine experiences be our detriment in life. Being like the living God, found within the teachers who transcended, without being manipulated by empty promises and/or pharmakeia (drugs), is what a true influencer and/or follower aspires to be. By the vessel, William John
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