![]() Hello, my friend. If you are someone who reads my blogs regularly I want to thank you personally for taking the time to journey with me. When I started the manuscript for An Abomination That Caused Desolation I was not sure how to introduce the information, and I concluded that I needed to write to "you". I felt that the information that I was sharing was best explained in the second-person writing style. You are taking the time, you are reading this, you are important. We all go through life on different journeys, different paths, different experiences. We all have different ambitions, different gifts, different ideas. We have something in common at this present moment, you are reading words that I compiled and now we are spending time together. You may not agree with what I have to say, my observations, or my understanding, but hopefully, I have your attention. I have been blogging for 6 months and it is not always easy to come up with something inspirational, especially if I'm "not feeling it". This particular blog is inspired by the Christian Passover that is starting on March 29, Good Friday and is intended as information I find interesting, not to convince you of anything. The Passover is a significant celebration or mourning depending on how someone has been raised to observe the event. I personally see the event as nothing more than an interruption of an already confusing time in history. I have difficulty finding time to celebrate, however mourning is equally fruitless. I have also marveled at the confusion surrounding the Passover, and how Jewish and Pagan holidays rarely coincide. Sorry, my Christian brothers and sisters, but most of our holidays are centered on Pagan ritual events surrounding the Lunar and Solar cycles. However, there is a strange reason that I am fixated on the celebrations around Easter or Passover this year and it has to do with the "significance of 40". What is so significant about 40 you may be asking? Let's just say, 40 is a magical number representing times of struggle, endurance, confusion, temptation, reflection, and courage, which always follows with new beginnings. Noah and family endured 40 days and 40 nights on a big boat while it rained. The Hebrews during the Exodus struggled in the wilderness for 40 years. Moses, Elijah, and Jesus all fasted for clarity in the wilderness for 40 days. Mohammed was visited by Gabriel at age 40. Buddha meditated without food or water for 40 days. Jesus ascended to the heavens 40 days after Passover called Pentecost. These historical stories (at the very least) have me pondering; "Did anything happen 40 years ago that I need to be mindful of?". YES, Absolutely! The year was 1984, and it was one of intrigue and innovation. In the book 1984 by George Orwell he writes about a dystopian world of totalitarian dictatorships, the reality was anything but. Most of the world was adopting the policies of the Western capitalists. The Macintosh computer was introduced to the world on January 24, 1984. Co-founder Bill Gates was featured in Time Magazine's April 16, 1984 edition, The Magic Inside the Machine. On April 23, 1984, the National Cancer Institute had found the cause of AIDS. I think everyone can agree that computers, Bill Gates, and AIDS were/are important on the historical timeline, especially through the lens of the past 40 years of programming information. The computer was supposed to make our office workload lighter, and it did. The internet was supposed to connect us to the world, and it did. Social Media was supposed to create connections with long-lost friends and family, and it did. Our mind, body, and soul however were/are not doing well. We have all the tools, and yet, we are still waiting for the magic. Could the magic be within our hearts? Last week I blogged about things hidden in plain sight. Many times numbers are hidden in plain sight which can represent dates, times, codes, secret societies, numerology, astrology, etc. Over the past few years, many people including myself have been witnessing the number 923. A quick Google search will reveal many instances throughout various media platforms when 923 has shown up. I have always believed that 923 represents a date like 911, so I have assumed that it is September 23 of some unknown year. But 923 could be a mirror date meaning 329, or March 29. This year March 29 is Good Friday and the start of Christian Passover. What do I suspect will happen on March 29? Probably nothing! Why even bring it to your attention then? Well, I have been bombarded with "Prediction Addiction" since I was a kid. Every year Jesus is supposed to come and rapture his bride (the church). Every year I hear about Phoenix Rising, Blood Moons, Age of Aquarius, Nibiru (Planet X), Constellations, Astrology, and the umpteen other end of the world as we know it scenarios. The Equinox on April 8th, 2024, is the latest event to hijack the minds of New Agers and Christians alike. May I suggest that we should stop and smell the flowers, take a walk in nature, or spend time alone in prayer and meditation to the giver and taker of life? There is no doubt that the world is changing, but is it? There is no doubt that there is a feeling of discontent in our minds, or is it? There is no doubt that we are witnessing calamity, but are we? How do we know? For centuries we have been dealing with ebb and flows, highs and lows, the building blocks of life. There is nothing new under the sun, however the material world of technology seems to be new. The emotions and attachment to new stuff appear to be consistent with the ancient world, the Bible symbolizes this as the Great city of Babylon. The end of the world as we know it has always had its beginnings from the destruction of Babylon. I am convinced beyond all measures that there is another plandemic cooking behind the scenes. Many people I know are resonating with the same frequency of “something is in the air”. The feeling of unrest is evident. We want the kings and queens to set us free, but it is the trick of control to a system that works that has us bound. We are living in slavery to a system, symbolically called Egypt. We are living in the filth and depravity of the minds of some, symbolically called Sodom. The Bible says this, "Come out of her my people", the her being the city of Babylon. Many Christians and Jews are waiting for the magical return of the Messiah. These groups fail to see that the return happened over two thousand years ago, it was finished. There is no need to wait for anything, we just need to live a life that is honoring to the Creator of life. Live your life as a daily sacrifice to the Lord, by following in the footsteps of a guy who was killed for showing a new way. Jesus was and is the new way, the new truth, and the new life. By a vessel with love, William John
![]() This week I was served food in a restaurant by a cat. Ok, not a real cat. All joking aside, a person in a man's body is convinced that he is a cat. At first, I thought it was a crazy joke, as I was told about the cat-man in the small town in which I lived by mutual friends. Meeting cat-man was interesting, as he is a charming guy, all judgement aside. It got me thinking of words and the spells that have been adopted by certain people. The Bible says this regarding end times as a warning, "Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. But we are bound to give thanks alway to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth:" For about ten years, from 2007 - 2017, I spent my free time in the trenches of underground information, the rabbit trails. I found out about child sacrifices, human trafficking, Satan worship, Luciferian enlightenment, and, of course, secret societies. However, this all came to an end in 2018 when I finished reading a book that can not be named on this blog, as it triggers the algorithm and gets flagged. You would not be able to read this as a result. Conspiracy? Maybe? But it is what the book contains, and the supposed writers of the 24 protocols, that have the censorship police so determined to extinguish. "Hidden in plain sight" is one of many oaths that some secret societies MUST comply. The mantra is for fulfilling Gods teaching by the chosen, as they must never give into unrighteousness. These chosen people are not to deceive or lie, hence hidden in plain sight. Only certain members within the society will be allowed to perform or understand all the signs of hidden truths within the craft. In Satanic organizations, the mantra is the same. However, the split tongue of the serpent, meaning double-speak or flipping truth, is the trick. "Trick," you ask. Yes, the different secret societies are taught within the oaths that to get people to "buy" what they are selling, the truth is to be hidden in plain sight. This "truth or trick" is achieved by double-speak, mirroring, or misappropriating the meaning of words. Words spoken or written in code are called spells, where we get the word "spelling" from. As we know, arranging letters or words together is called spelling. Every book on the planet is an arrangement of spells, the trick is how to perform the spells or arrangement of words. Confused? Here are some examples of spells that are hidden in plain sight. The word is "Mortgage". Everybody reading this will think of a bank and receiving a loan to purchase a home. When we dismember the Latin root word's we have "Mort" meaning death, as in mortician or immortal, and the word; "gage" meaning pledge. We are taking a "death pledge" from the bank, not a loan. In most countries, a person is cut off or put to metaphorical death for not repaying a mortgage. Everybody who thinks that God doesn't exist will love the next example. The cinema keepers, I mean science followers, always point to "the science" when making an argument for their truths, especially regarding anything to do with the heavenly realms. What better way to prove their point than the cinema of NASA? The NASA logo is two red lines that meet at a point above the last letter A, this is the serpent split tongue. Just in case you don't understand what the split tongue means, simply this; A truth is a lie, and a lie is the truth or simply, deception. To take this a step further, if we take the mirror image of NASA, we get ASAN. What, or more appropriate, Who is ASAN? Asan is the Hindu God Shiva. For the sake of your time and mine, I am not prepared to do a mythological study of Shiva, but let's say he holds the title of "the destroyer". One more thing I discovered years ago, "nasa" in the Strong's Concordance in Hebrew #5377 means "greatly deceived". My last example is one I wish that I would have understood when writing An Abomination That Caused Desolation. It is the word COVID. Early on, I was convinced, that it was an acronym meaning "Certificate Of Vaccination Identification". I learned recently that it "could" be the mirror image word, DIVOC. What is DIVOC or divoc? Well....Wait for it... Divoc in Hebrew means demon possession. More significantly, the Latin word divoc means to separate, divorce, break up, sunder/disrupt, divide, tear away/open/apart, tear to pieces/in two. There are so many examples throughout the Bible where certain words have been highjacked and turned around to mean something opposite, or something at the very least, misunderstood. The Pharisees and Sadducees of Jesus' time were our modern-day politicians and lawyers. They held the commoners to their standards of interpretation of the law and their God and/or Gods. The second part of the last sentence should be expanded on. Their God could only be served by giving "Alms (offerings)" in the form of gold, silver, and firstborn (without blemish) animals to the temple, the Axis Mundi between heaven and the underworld (Flat Earthers will love this study). Their one true God could be served inside the fortress of Jerusalem, home of the Axis Mundi. All other Gods were served outside the gates of the city in a place called Gehenna, this has been translated to Hell. Gehenna was where wailing and gnashing of teeth were heard due to the child sacrifices being performed there. OK, what is the point? Why tell you something that you may know already, or don't care about? I think it is important for one reason, and one reason only, TRUTH! Jesus was/is the way, the truth, and the life. What does this mean exactly? Jesus is the way. He taught so much to his disciples of the day and commissioned them to do the same. His ways should be our ways. Like I tell my kids, "Do the right thing". We don't need a theological study to know what the right thing is, "Do unto others". Jesus is the truth. He exposed corruption and taught his disciples, do not be partakers in evil. By being a follower of Jesus we not only have a desire to expose the lies and tell the truth, but also to stand up for justice. Nobody likes to be lied to. Jesus is the life. There is no better way to live than being a follower of Jesus. Jesus made it clear that the kingdom of heaven is within. If you want to please God, the Most High, the Creator then do what Jesus did. "Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does." John 5:19 Jesus gave up his own will to do the will of God. There were many times throughout Jesus' ministry when he could have given up God's will to do his own will. What? He could have told Pilate that he was having a moment of insanity. "I'm sorry for kicking over the tables in the Temple" or "Yes, Satan, I want all the kingdom's riches". But he didn't. He did not lose himself to a strong delusion. As we go through life looking for our brain, our heart, or our courage, I am reminded to, STOP! Look at the giver of my brain, my heart, or my courage. The world's possessions are temporary as they rot or rust. The world's lusts are brief, as the dopamine hits never last. God's love endures forever. In the case of cat-man, I can't help but think of the song Katmandu by Bob Segar, LOL. As comical as it is, his charm had me loving him, not judging him. Has he fallen victim to the strong delusion? Maybe? But like the scripture says "judge not, lest ye be judged", furthermore where is his heart. Is his heart loving and caring or hateful and spiteful? Which behavior or attitude is evident, does it show in the fruit that is produced from his heart. I think so. We are the vessels. It is up to each individual what we fill these earthly vessels with. Choose the love of God through Jesus' teachings, or anything else, it is up you. In love, William John ***Update*** -I was informed from a person very close to the Cat-Man that he is trying to bring smiles to people. I was perpetuating a judgement from gossip that I overheard, this is wrong. So, to the Cat-Man, I'm sorry that I was in judgement before meeting you. It is very apparent that you are bringing smiles to people and keep up the charming personality. ![]() It has been a very heavy week. This blog is in no way designed to cause discomfort and/or controversy. It is not designed to trigger anyone. It is not designed to create debate. I am not coming from a malicious heart in any way, there is no judgment, and I am genuinely presenting with love. This week has been one of renewing of minds and finding forgiveness in our hearts, due to the many challenges in life. The challenges come from the environment we live in, the people that we associate with, and the struggles that we conjure up in our minds. I was challenged by my environment, my peers, and my mind. The challenge is to live, love, laugh, labor, and listen. The 5 L's of Living Life by Dr. Gladys McGarey was sent to me through a wonderful brother from another mother on messenger. The video definitely got me thinking of ways to be a better human, not only towards myself but towards others. My first challenge was stepping out of my selfishness to be there for a friend (another brother from another mother). It started innocently enough, as we got together to discuss future podcasting together and the organic bantering that we often do. These are the moments that I want to capture, raw and organic discussions. However, the moment was so incredibly honest that I wondered how comfortable onlookers would be watching something so real, without editing. Many people operate within a façade or mask that they hide behind due to years of unforgiveness, hate, anger, and so on. Left unchecked these traits and conditions of the heart will lead to a life of misery and bitterness, not to mention substance abuse to numb the heartache. I have been guilty of letting personal demons infiltrate my heart which produces bitterness and not tenderness. I find that if I just shut my mouth and listen, amazing things happen, and people open up. On this particular day, my listening conjured up memories of something that happened to me as a child. I carried this trauma with me for about 20 years, and I felt was appropriate to share it with my friend. I will give the Cliff Notes version of my story as it is a long story on its own. I came to forgive a possession of childhood trauma in a bar one night. I had met somebody who was part of the trauma that I carried for many years, but on this night I realized something, I was much bigger in stature. The man standing in front of me in the bar was all words and no action. His cockiness was a façade. I stood up to him, and for the first time in my life, I felt powerful as a man, capable of standing up for myself. The 20 years of trauma that I carried was lifted in a matter of seconds. My story is very similar to many I have heard over the years, especially when confronting an adult who broke a childhood's innocence and welfare. The result is usually the same, bitterness lifts resulting in exoneration and forgiveness. I have realized that we need to forgive others before we can learn to heal ourselves. The longer that we hold on to bitterness the longer we live in the hell that is produced by the trauma. It is true, that many of our experiences have defined our attitude about life but we should not let this define how we live life. When we take control of the evil that is trying to define our lives by finding the courage to face the perpetrator of evil, we become free from the bondage of fear. Choosing to be victorious is more powerful than choosing to be a victim. Over the years people have tried to keep me subject to victimhood. Victim mentality runs strong in the modern world. It appears that we are being conditioned to stay stuck in the muck, as there is always someone waiting with their hands out to help you play back the trauma. It is one thing to play back the trauma that we have healed from, it is another to stay stuck in the trauma. Finding forgiveness is very hard for many people. How does one find forgiveness when they have been stripped of their childhood, sexually violated, or bullied into submission? We have all heard stories of abuse that would make us cringe, but again where is the justice? The story of Gypsy Rose Blanchard (a quick Google search for context, if you don't know the story) is very popular right now, as it appears to be an extreme case of justice or injustice (you pick). I don't think anyone would deny that she had an extremely terrible childhood at the hands of the person who was supposed to love and protect her the most. This story has shed light on something that very few people knew was happening, and had she not had her mother murdered, the abuse would have never been exposed. The question is whether or not Gypsy Rose was justified in her actions. Where were forgiveness and understanding? There is a greater question, Where was God? Another brother from another mother asked the question this week in regards to a terrible story of a young woman who was raped and held hostage at the hands of a gang of thugs. It is a question that gets asked a lot but rarely gets answered properly. I failed to give a proper answer this week and in weeks past, and the "I don't know" seems like a cop-out, especially from someone who claims to follow a loving God. Evil needs to happen. We would never understand or know love if there was no evil in the world. People who have been the victims of evil, have two choices, stay stuck or be victorious. When we choose to stay stuck in trauma, it carries with it self-abuse, self-wallowing, self-blaming, self-destruction. When we are stuck we expect someone to fix our problems, we search for the hand-outs, we demand to be heard and understood, we desire justice, we want revenge. In extreme cases, we take matters into our own hands, which very rarely covers the deep-seated pain. In the case of Gypsy Rose, she now feels regret for her actions. When we choose to be victorious, it carries with it forgiveness, understanding, patience, kindness, love, and so on. We choose to help and not hinder. So many of us that have been victims of abuse find true victory in the belief in God, and the messengers of love. We chose to believe that God wanted us to learn to be better people and not repeat the pattern of hate. We pray that our perpetrators repent from evil and choose to do good. In extreme cases when we allow God to be present in our lives we see the justice of a loving creator. I've personally seen terrible, evil people who have stolen the innocence of a child, raped, pillaged, and/or murdered come to repentance. These evil people are no longer evil and try to make right the wrongs they perpetrated on others. They find their victims of the past and ask for forgiveness for the wrongs they did. A genuine change of heart can only happen with God, and victory is only achieved by love. Where is God? Simply put, God is where you are. In Christian theology, Jesus says this; If you love Me, you will keep My commandments. And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another advocate to be with you forever— the Spirit of truth. The world cannot receive Him, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him. But you do know Him, for He abides with you and will be in you. God is in us, and the spirit resides in our heart. Jesus or Satan is the choice. A choice to do evil has consequences that will always result in destroying the soul. The opposite is true when choosing good, resulting in the fruits of the spirit. In love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, By the vessel, William John ![]() Who is this God that we are seeking? Some people proclaiming to be wise and knowledgeable will find a following, which makes for easy money with their spiritual wallowing. Most of us are required to feed the metaphorical Beast if we want to play in the world of luxuries. Very few people stop to pay attention to the stronghold that the Beast has on our spirit, our soul, until it's too late and we're sitting in an old folks home. Until that time we say things that make no sense if we are being honest. "Just believe in Jesus", a mantra we repeat without going too deep. I have been peeking into the deep-seated meaning, however it seems confusing to most that the truth is so simple. Love. That is it, nothing more nothing less. The Bible says that the God of the heavens is not the author of confusion. So, when I go seeking answers and I am left with more questions, I have missed the point. Love. How to love when feeling beat up by a system that breaks us down, this is the challenge of breaking the frown. Loving others is difficult if you don't love yourself, turning the frown upside down. "Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life", a mantra some people repeat while insisting we retreat to a church or maybe a temple. Is this where God is released when feeling incomplete? Is it the Guru of spirituality sitting in a temple in Tibet, or the armchair warrior on a computer smoking a cigarette? Who has the answers to our way, our truth, or our life? What are we hoping will happen when the return of Jesus comes into our minds and/or the minds of many? As I work out MY salvation with fear and trembling, I ponder how many people will understand the true meaning of entering into the kingdom of heaven. "God told me this or that", a mantra that runs deep in the minds of the spiritual left and the religious right. Christ consciousness or Christ out-side-of-us is being debated at an alarming rate, as we forget that it is the teachings of Christ that are the common ground. "Do unto others" should not be up for debate, but the people keep trying to prove they are following the one true God, and it is beginning to exasperate. Seriously, STOP! Did you help the old man or lady across the street? Did you love someone you didn't agree with, your enemy, who just needed a hug or a glass of water? This past weekend I was invited to a spiritual retreat, it was something I had never done before, so everything was new, well, not really. I observed the practices more than partaking, as this is something that my previous peers would see as practicing witchcraft or sorcery. This is a bit of a conundrum, as I was seeing crossover practices that I felt comfortable in, such as prayer and meditation, but was dealing with my own convictions from years of Christian pulpit teachings and bible studies. I decided to try and lose my mind in meditation. Once I felt like I was being hypnotized or manipulated into a trance state, I pulled back my breathing and any euphoric feeling. Was the goal to experience God or escape from the reality of existing in this dimension? What God was rolling around in my head? It was up to me! I was taken back to the days of the Hypnotic Glitch that I experienced 25 years ago, to the books I've read about how mind control works. The biggest question I have to all this spirituality is this, "What are we trying to manifest?" Are we trying to manifest the prophets or the profits? There was no difference between what I experienced on the weekend and the 25 years of pulpit teaching. Nothing. Both the Yogis and many Christian pastors are doing the same thing concerning leading us into prayer and/or meditation. Soft music, methodical speech, repeating chants, etc. with the goal to get closer to or experience God. Was this sorcery? Trying to feel the presence of God? Did I feel anything? Not really, no different than the day that I decided to get baptized in a freezing cold river in the middle of March in Canada. OK, maybe I felt slightly different the day I got wet in a river, due to my internal temperature dropping 20 degrees in a matter of seconds, but no magical enlightenment. What are we doing? What is the purpose of all the spiritual practices from every nation, creed, denomination, and tongue? Why are we trying to find God, or please God? If the spirit of God lives in us (the holy spirit), Luke 17, what are we looking for, Matthew 24: 22-28? It is not my job to convince people that I have the magical formula to experience God, no more than it is someone's job to convince me. There is only one magic formula, LOVE, and we all possess it. It is apparent that most seekers of God are looking outside of themselves to experience a creator, instead of marveling at creation. In the church buildings, the pastor leads a sermon and flips through the bible to prove their point. In Holy temples, spiritual Gurus sit calmly and softly and repeat ancient practices to prove their point. Is one right and the other wrong? Then it hit me... "Acts 2: 46- Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts," Fellowship and meeting together with sincere hearts, and without the intent of monetary gain. Anytime that a group meets together with the intent of making money is not following God. The apostle Paul addresses this early in his ministry, he did take money (or trade), but it was for the full intent of moving on to the next community to help spread the love of Jesus through whom God was manifested. God was/is a free gift. God was/is not merchandise. The book of Acts is all about the first followers of God through Christ, it is a very controversial message in today's environment and very difficult to wrap our heads around. Now, this is a deep subject for sure, and for the sake of your time and the idea of blogs, I will leave it here. With the desire of love, peace, joy, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control to dwell within my heart. By the vessel, William John |
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December 2024