Who can wage war against the Beast? I am currently writing a new manuscript. I have nailed down a title and have completed about 9 chapters. It is going to be epic (in my humble opinion). It is another non-fiction book, and it follows the same theme as An Abomination That Caused Desolation, however, it is a deeper examination of the Beast and its correlation to the heart. It is fascinating how throughout the many centuries the Beast, the Devil, the Serpent, and Satan, have all been depicted as a Dragon. It is what the dragon represents that has me so intrigued. The daunting task of putting pen to paper (OK typing on a Word app) as more revelations are decoded is both exciting and disturbing. It's exciting because, for the first time, the elusive beast that everyone is looking for has been in plain sight from the beginning of time. It's disturbing due to the nature of the stronghold that the beast has on our souls. Although the new book will be of non-fiction origin, it reads like something out of a sci-fi novel. How many times have you heard someone say, "We are living in the Matrix"? Well it is true, we are living! We live on an earth that has been created for us to enjoy, some say by a God or gods, others say by our own ambition through a perceived simulation of a perfect world. It is what we are creating outside of the physical realm that many people do not pay attention to. I write about the juxtaposition of the spiritual Jerusalem and the spiritual Babylon. I am now convinced, through a lot of studies, but more accurately prayer and meditation, that mankind has been embarking on a world of spiritual destruction from the beginning of time. We are literally creating "hell". "Surely you won't die", the small voice in our head whispers, as we seek the next dopamine hit of enjoyment. One more hit, and we live another day, never realizing we are dead inside. We struggle with doing the right thing, as no one is immune to the control that the beast has over our spirit. We create the hell, and it resides in the inner room of our temple, the heart. We fear hell, but rarely do we come to the conclusion that we have created this apparition due to our own desires. We have become pleasure seekers and dopamine creepers, producing a need for greed. We have become addicted to the over-stimulation induced in our hearts. If you are feeling too stimulated with all the latest pleasures, relax there is some soma to bring you down. What is the answer to living in this world of temptations? How do we slay the dragon, the spirit of greed and gluttony? Since the beginning of time the god of this world, the dragon spirit, has been tempting people, by making people believe they can have all the riches that this world has to offer. Many characters throughout history ascended to a higher consciousness and mastered life, by slaying the dragon. These characters are many, but I focus on one, Jesus Christ of Nazareth. It is through the teachings of Jesus Christ that I have adopted my teachings. It is not confusing, complicated, complex, or convoluted... "Love your neighbor (that is everyone) as yourself" We can all be vessels for change in this world by choosing to slay the dragon spirit of greed and gluttony, by giving and understanding the people in need. When going through your days this week, make time for those in need, this is the true daily sacrifice. By the vessel, William John
After last weeks blog about my admittance of being unrighteous and feeling unworthy of the responsibility of sharing love, I now feel that I can move forward with a renewed heart. This week was both exciting and nerve racking all at the same time. I was excited that the two pallets of books arrived , and also feeling anxious about "what the heck was I thinking" with the number of books I ordered. I was also very anxious about whether readers will enjoy the book and understand the message. I made a pledge a few years ago that I would promote the love that was poured out on humanity 2000 years ago. I pledged that I would do whatever it would take to see that people understood that they are incredibly precious in the sight of the Most High, our Creator. Something in my gut and/or heart said that I would lose it all. The last part seems to have come to fruition as I am literally starting my life over at 50ish. It is so exciting to see how our Creator has been opening doors. I'm astonished at the miracle of life and look forward to helping people see past all the hate and anger in the world. I was elated and excited on Saturday morning to hand deliver some books to friends and also to a local wellness and art center. These deliveries were taking place "across the lake" on the east shore from the small town that I reside. It requires that I take a 35 minute ferry ride and I usually sit in the ferry lobby for the journey across. There was something different on this day though, I had my new book in hand. As I was skimming through the bright new hardcover book, a young (younger than me) gentleman rolled up the isle in his wheelchair. "That is quite the hotrod your rolling", I said, trying to make light of his disability and of course to engage in conversation. "Yeah it gets me around", he says with a smile. I turned my book over, then continued to tell him a story about an old friend of mine that ended up in a wheelchair from a car accident, which was over 30 years ago. He responds by telling me that his life altering episode saved his life when he was just 19 years old. He recalls that he was on a road to destruction and how he had no choice but to acknowledge who the giver and taker of life is after his accident. He also mentioned that he has read a lot of inspirational literature, which gave me a great opportunity to share what I was reading. I showed him the bright white book with the encased heart of flesh on the cover. He was intrigued and asked a bit about the book. "You can have it", I blurted out. "I can see you haven't finished reading it yet", his assumption, as I originally had the book open somewhere near the last few chapters. "I wrote it", I confess. "No way, really, wow....will you sign it for me?" At this point in the conversation, everyone that was in the ferry lobby was watching this interaction unfolding. I did not have a pen, as this is a very new concept of signing books. A lady sitting at the bench two seats over had promptly offered a pen from her purse. I signed the book and continued to listen to the young man's testimony. Everyone in the lobby was fixated on his story, and I witnessed that tears were welling up in passengers eyes. His name is Glen, his testimony is one that the travelers in the lobby would not soon forget. It was an innocent accident, where he broke his neck on the bottom of a pool that he had dove in many times before. You see, the book is my tool. It is what bridges my contact with you. It was not only designed to give a different interpretation on biblical scripture, but to create common ground. In a world full of division and hate, wars and rumors of war, I'm right and you're wrong, it is so beautiful to see past our differences. I keep saying that we are all connected, and it becomes more and more obvious that this is true. We need to start looking up, not down at the latest gossip that we read on our hand held device or tablet. We might just witness a smile from a stranger or hear an amazing testimony, unscripted and full of the true spirit of the living God. By the vessel, William John This is my public confession of my failed attempt to be righteous. We have all sinned and fallen short of not only God's law, but also the laws created by governments to help us behave within an imposed moral code of conduct. A few years ago my oldest daughter took a job at a popular coffee and donut shop. She was only 15 years old and was a star employee. She had a talent for listening to instructions and getting the work done. I was so proud of her and was impressed that she was able to juggle the pressures of life at such a young age. She made sure her school work was done, chores were completed, was to work on time, and still had time for her passion of horses. One day she came home with tears in her eyes (this was not the first time), and told me about the horrible day she had. She was working the drive-thru window, which abruptly came to an end when a woman threw a cup of hot coffee at her. It appeared that someone got this disgruntled woman's order wrong! I was furious! Shame on that woman! No excuses! Nothing is worth being this upset over, especially a sub standard $2.00 coffee. I struggled in my spirit to be calm, as I felt the need to reprimand the woman who assaulted my daughter with hot coffee. I did turn the other cheek, figuratively speaking, and I let the chips lie where they may. I tried the best I could at the time to turn this into a teaching moment. I may have failed at the time to successfully learn what the message was, but maybe now I can use this situation for everyone who reads this blog. Over the past century, there has been an incredible amount of agitation being created in our minds. The propaganda on posters to get civilians to hate certain groups in an attempt to coerce them to war, to the modern-day misinformation spewed on the devices we hold in our hands. Wars and rumors of war, hate, anger, and a number of other images of death to our society and to our souls. Empathy quickly turns to fear, and our hearts stop beating in tune with one another. We retreat, coming to the conclusion that everyone must have an ulterior motive, and we enter the fight, flight, or freeze response. We are also under an extreme amount of programming. Years ago I was taught through sales seminars that I am an expert in my field of work. I was taught to, "hold my ground" and never give the opposition a foothold to control the transaction. Even if I was wrong, charging too much, or peddling a product that is known to be faulty we were never to admit defeat. This went away from my core values, as my father taught me that we are never to make excuses and admit to our wrongdoings. What all the worldly programming has done has created a world full of narcissists, who will never admit wrongdoing, as this would be considered a sign of weakness. There are a few examples in the Bible where my superhero, Jesus, got incredibly angry. Unlike most followers of Jesus Christ the Messiah, I do not picture a calm, soft-spoken, tranquil, and peaceful man. He spoke with fire, which means he was passionate, and he held people to account for their wicked hearts. The egocentric, and self-righteous spirit that motivated the hearts of some men (and women), Jesus would use the very strongest language of the day to expose their hearts. It appears that Jesus was most furious about the gold and silver offerings to atone for one's sins, as taking whips that he made to drive out the money changers would not have been done in peace. At times Jesus was considered a madman and called out by the Pharisees and Sadducees as performing miracles of demons. Jesus stood his ground and he didn't let the controllers of the day hold him back from the work that he was commissioned to do by Creator God, he was a warrior, and he fought for our rights to be separate from the corrupt system of greed by the elite of his time. The Bible seems cloudy on how to deal with anger, as Psalm 4:4 and Ephesians 4:26 just say, "Do not sin in your anger". What does this even mean? It is clear that we need to "Bridle our tongue", meaning pay attention to what we say. "The tongue is like a sword", meaning that words can hurt people to the core of their hearts. Watching how we treat one another is the biggest lesson that one can take from the whole teaching of Jesus Christ. If we are being provoked to anger, turn the other cheek, walk away, and keep silent are the best solutions to disarm and de-escalate any situation. At the beginning of this blog, I made a confession about my failed attempt to be righteous, my intent was not to deflect from my responsibility to do the right thing. I always prided myself as a good guy, calm, and collected, however, I have not been immune to being provoked to anger. With name-calling, mocking, insults and wrongful accusations, I have been triggered into retaliation and/or defense of my reputation. The moments in time where I took matters into my own hands, I failed. It says in the bible that we have been forgiven by the work to the cross, but it doesn't stop at the cross. There are actions to take. We need to seek forgiveness from the ones we have wronged, to be absolved from the guilt we carry from our misconduct. When we ask for forgiveness, it is now in the inner courts of the wounded, their heart. The injured will then need to learn how to forgive 7 x77 times, for some this takes time. Becoming proficient and mastering the skills of redemption to the debt of unsparing love; the learning required to atone for our own shortcomings, this is what is required to having peace within your inner rooms and a life everlasting. When going through your week, learn to be calm, and peaceful. Always choose to help to build someone up, not tare them down. Let us watch our words to one another, and not provoke one another to anger. Learning to be a vessel every day, William John. A few years ago a friend gave me a book to read, The Christ Letters. It had an unknown author and once inside the book, it became clear that the author was remaining anonymous due to her conviction that these were letters given to her by Christ himself. I struggled in moving forward with the book, especially at the point when the woman who penned The Christ Letters was claiming to "channel" Jesus Christ. She encouraged (or rather Christ himself as she claimed) to continue reading once the channeling bomb was dropped. Could a housewife on a little farm in rural America write words that taught us how to live and unite in a world full of hate? Was a housewife who was channeling Jesus give us the truth? My skepticism was put to rest once I started to read and meditate on the words on the pages. I kept being convicted in my own mind that we make claims about hearing from God all the time. In Christian circles, we will often claim that we heard from God. God told me this and/or that! God came to me in a dream! I heard God say! God spoke to me in a song! and so on, and so on, and so on... In the Christian faith, it is ingrained in the minds of its followers that Jesus is the only way (to which I agree), but there seems to be a unspoken notion that he only manifests to those people who follow the true teachings of Christ Jesus. Every other voice that is heard outside the Christian faith is from the evil one. I challenge this thinking in An Abomination That Caused Desolation with the story of Cornelius from chapter 10 in the book of Acts. It is clear that God speaks to everyone, yes even the atheist. Are we willing to have "ears to hear" or "eyes to see" is the real question? Those who hear the voice of Jesus will follow. Whenever somebody decides to step outside the box and expose what the mass narrative is saying, persecution comes. Why? Why would the pushers of the mainstream narrative be intimidated by people like myself or a housewife on a farm in rural America? The people who promote love and unity outside the system that was built from lies. Exposing a system that was manufactured to build empires. The answers should be clear, but in case you missed it, our hearts are deceitfully wicked. Wow, the last sentence was harsh, I need to explain; From the very beginning of time, the serpent of old (from the garden), has placed in our minds that we deserve more. Story after story through the words written on paper or words spoken by the governing bodies, we have been conditioned to covet. Look at "their" life it is so much better than mine, they have all the latest and best stuff. So, we strive to be like the people that we idolize and ultimately covet. Obviously, some people have come out of this mindset and are choosing to do life without the need to look important. There are a great number of people in this world that are choosing to "Come out of her my people", the "her" being the system designed to enslave us. One of my struggles was whether or not to show my face on the back cover of the book or on social media pages. At this time I have decided to keep my face anonymous, sorta speak. I want my words to speak to you, not my face. It is in our imagination that words come alive, sometimes a face will distract from the message. How many times have we been attracted by a photo of someone we haven't met, only to be disappointed when meeting them face to face. The opposite is also true. Some people are photogenic and some are not so much. Anonymity is something I want to revel in at the present moment. In the small town where I grew up, I could not walk down the street without someone saying "Hello", I would never turn away from engaging with people. However, since 2020, with the ongoing pressure to be something that I was not, I felt solitude in being a recluse. Being outspoken comes with challenges, criticism, and gossip. I was blessed to find this solitude in a smaller community, and have been able to keep my reputation somewhat in check. I am still in the learning stage and am doing my very best to not be an egomaniac, and letting go of the stuff that has me enslaved. In the very near future, I will "come out of the closet", with podcasts and a clearer message. As I hear from God (that inner voice in my head), and pray that my path is directed by God, I can see that there is an amazing time coming for all of us. I want to share what has been revealed to me, I look forward to seeing people face to face, extending love, hope, and understanding. Learning to be a vessel, William John Recently, foreign exchange workers were hired in our small town to do a job that most locals have decided they were overqualified to do. The dreaded fast food chain that no one expected to come into town. I was helping get the accommodations ready for the workers and was introduced to the owner of the new fast-food restaurant. The owner seemed like a good guy and was genuinely concerned that this venture into our town was not looking very promising in regard to the local employment it has been famous for creating. The fact that he was searching overseas to bring new workers to a small town with a very real housing crisis and where very few young people wanted to work for a living and get out of their mother's basement had me thinking this week. I am working on a new manuscript, and I hope that I have it ready for purchase sometime in 2024. The theme of the manuscript is "greed and gluttony", which seems to control our hearts and minds. I go back in history and show a clear and concise pattern of how we have been manipulated from birth to be selfish. I am very fascinated by the author Aldous Huxley who was very acute to the human condition of our selfish nature. "Let them eat cake" was seen as an easy way to control the masses with the ongoing pursuit of luxuries. Huxley saw that this pursuit of luxuries would most likely be society's detriment in his utopian idea of a Brave New World. It appears that God was very accurate about the "End of Days" scenario as well; For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; -2Timothy 3:2-4 KJV One of the young foreign workers happened to serve me at the drive-thru window this past week and it is obvious that she is not happy. I like to start conversations with people and as it happened I saw her a few days later away from work. I asked her if she was enjoying her new job; "Yes" she replied. I then asked her if she missed home; "Yes, I miss my family very much", a response given with her head down and sadness across her face. What an absolute shame. This young lady would trade working in Canada to going back home in a nanosecond. Is this her purpose, selling second-rate food for the minimum wage that is required by the BC government to ungrateful souls? It is unfortunate, but she is probably under contract to work and live in our small town. I felt so sorry for her and her friends. What kind of propaganda was played into the minds of these young foreigners to entice them to follow their desire to work in Canada? The Canadian youth were not falling for the scam, and they clearly would much rather sit in front of their game consoles, social media, and smartphone devices than slinging burgers for 8 hours a day. I have worked for many big corporations and was always promoted to a management position once I learned the corporate "Protocols". Make as much money as you can! Watch spending! It was always the same; Sell, Sell, Sell.... It was drilled into my head, and each time I got to a position where I felt I could go no further, I would move on. I found no purpose in selling crap that I knew was going to break and only last a couple of years at the most. I was literally losing my soul. I see the soul-sucking corporate machines for what they are, and I am sad that I was part of it. I wish that we had a better solution. I have heard that there are a few elitist think tanks that are working on better solutions for humanity. A world where doing unto others like the "social credit scoring", or you'll own nothing like the "15-minute cities" are ideas that come from the elitists-for the elitists. The Brave New World is in full swing, and the benefactors are the Alphas and some Beta+, but for the rest of society, our purpose lies in the hands of the think tanks, the elitists, the fast food chains, and corporate department stores. As I am writing this blog, I am reminded that many people have found their purpose. I am also reminded of what the Bible says: And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; Colossians 3:23 KJV In other words, be joyful, and do the best job that you can, so that your earthly lords (bosses) see that you are trustworthy and honorable. There are many stories in the Bible of men and women who worked at jobs and softened the hearts of their earthly Lords (bosses). I know that my purpose is to teach and spread the good news of the one who created us all. I know that my purpose is to spread joy, and peace, and love, and kindness, and so on. I know that my purpose is to help where I can, and not to complain when things don't quite go my way. I know that my purpose is to be a vessel... William John |
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December 2024