![]() What a week! Saturday was the "Meet the Vessel" podcast in the beautiful community of Kaslo, BC, in front of a small crowd. I was joined by Mahalia Michael and Zia F, I think we did great, however there were definitely some glitches. I did not want an itinerary or rehearsal as I thought the idea of "winging it" was more organic and would allow us to be vulnerable. I now see that the idea of being vulnerable allows for discomfort and this was to be the theme for the evening, Finding Comfort in Discomfort. We pulled it off pretty well. We all realized there is hunger for the masculine and feminine unity, in a world divided on different understanding of the energy ("spirit" for those triggered) we carry in our natural bodies, so this meeting of the minds was incredibly effective. It was apparent that everyone has incredible passion for our respective lives journey with the wisdom and knowledge that we all possess. Working together to create unity through understanding differences is my main goal of prospective future pod-casting. Learning from others the ways of have the love of finding the truth within ourselves to make us a better person and the love for humanity to share, should be everyone's life mission. My take away from this podcast is respecting and understanding one another, finding inner peace, and maybe do an itinerary next time. On Sunday, I left for the Lower Mainland, British Columbia's coast for anyone reading this post in Chile or Zimbabwe, which is approximately an eight hour drive. I spent the time reflecting on the previous nights highs and lows, and ebbs and flows, as my stereo in the car is not working. I had many revelations in my mind, with one being particularly strong: listening to peoples struggles is most important, without the urge to "fix" the problem. The only person that can fix any problem is the one who possesses the struggle. On Monday morning, I phoned the organizer of the "No Peace Without God" event in Abbotsford. I learned about the event on Sunday evening from my daughter and was excited to get tickets for this event, if nothing else. I was more excited when the organizer accepted my offer to set up a table and sell my books. I had no idea what I had just committed to, and I certainly was feeling some discomfort of the unknown. As the afternoon wound down, I ventured to the event a bit early to see if there was anything I could do to help and get set up. The event was multi-religious with the intention of bridging the differences within the different religious creeds. The theme of No Peace Without God was intriguing, to say the least, as two nights previous Mahalia and I were podcasting with the same intention for understanding, unity and love. The panel of speakers was incredible, as the theme of peace is very evident within all the religions represented. There were a few take-aways from the Multi-Religious event. One that is particularly concerning was the representation from the Christian Religion. I was sharing a table with the Mormon Sect, and the speaker on behalf of the Christian faith was from the Church of Latter Day Saints. I was constantly being asked if I was a Christian, and if I was representing the Book of Mormon. It has been difficult for on-lookers to understand the differences of the religion I had associated with for 25 years. The claims to a God can be very confusing within all the religions and different sects. There are also a lot of fantastic stories surrounding any religion's core belief about their leader, prophet, king, or God. Another concern was that the Jewish speaker was not present. I reflected on their absence as my conspiratorial mind took over. I wondered if the misrepresentation of the Christian faith and the lack of the Jewish presence was somehow purposefully orchestrated. I understand all to well from my indoctrination that Christians and Jews are the only way to God. The New Testament that the Christians take their teaching from state that: "No one comes to the father, except through Jesus Christ". The Jews take their teaching's from the mindset that they are "the chosen people of God". This mindset is so ingrained in their cranium's, that unfortunately everyone is missing the point. Jesus was considered by Christians the fulfillment of the ancient scrolls laws and prophets, in which he was the "Prince of Peace". Jews are still looking for the "Prince of Peace". I now believe in my holy of holies, the heart, that without love, acceptance, respect, and understanding for all religions, peace will never exist. As long as any group claims to have the keys to the Universe, God, Allah, Creator, Kingdom, or Queendom we will continue to be agitated to an unpeaceful resolution. I have been throwing myself into the lions den this week. I am slowly coming to the realization that what I have signed up for is going to be difficult, but very rewarding. I have been learning to relax and remove myself from controversy. The latter has been difficult for me. At one point on Saturday's podcast Mahalia had to reel me in, as I was going off on my tangent. I learned for the Monday event that I need to remove myself from conversations that I know will trigger me into any appearance of an angry response. I am still learning. I choose to be loving, kind, patient, joyful, peaceful, and above all things, faithful. I said that I was willing to be a vessel for change that the world so desperately requires, and it starts within each and everyone of us. Like I tell my kids, "Do the right thing, always". By a vessel, William John.
![]() It is 8:00am and I wanted to upload my blog for January 18, 2024. I usually write my blogs through the week as I am inspired. I save the drafts for upload on the Thursday morning, but today is different, the draft is lost. Sometimes I have a couple of topics ready to go in the draft file, but due to the nature of what is going on this week I felt that it was important to write about the up-coming podcast on Saturday, January 20. OK, so here it goes... And if I by Beelzebub cast out devils, by whom do your sons cast them out? therefore they shall be your judges. The New International Version translates the passage as: And if I drive out demons by Beelzebub, by whom do your people drive them out?" Matthew 12:27 "Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. "Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?" Matthew 7:1 This week I am pod-casting for the first time. I am uncomfortable with the guest, as I am in a different headspace. She is intelligent, joyful, mindful, and appears to comes with a heart driven by the love for people and the creation of life. This being said, after spending over 25 years within Christian circles, my apprehensions of inviting her to podcast with me is causing chaotic confusion. I am hyper sensitive to people's judgement, especially within the dogmatic religious circles. I am also a people pleaser, which in today's culture is seen with distain. In 2018 I read a book about the early Christian church and how Constantine married Polytheism (many gods) and Monotheism (one God) by introducing Jesus to the paganist rituals of the outward temple, the church. It stirred up in my spirit because I knew it was true. I began reading the Bible in a different light once the discovery of the early church rituals in the Christian church settled in my mind, Christians were being scammed, I concluded. Not once since 2018 have a waivered from my love for God, and especially my love for Jesus Christ through whom God was manifested. It has actually done the opposite, as I have a better understanding of God and his love for ALL his creation. It has also made me hyper-aware of the incredible amount of programming that we are under in every arena of living on this planet called earth. "I'm not being programmed!" the dogmatic right argues at this very moment, "I have discernment!". Yes, we have discernment, but does this come from the dogmatic teachings from the paganist pulpit teachings of man's interpretation of inspired words of God, or from the creator of your soul which inspires us to go beyond the teachings or interpretations of man. The pulpit had taught me to judge others as I was programmed that the one true God is only found in Jesus Christ, and anyone claiming that they can heal in any other name is practicing sorcery and/or witchcraft. I am very disturbed about what I just wrote in the last sentence because I was that person before 2018. I am ashamed for my accusations of others in the past, as I was of wrong thinking and had placed myself in a hierarchical position. I walked in the egotistical mindset that I knew best because I walked with the way, the truth, and the light, or so I was taught. When I met Mahalia Michael, I was not sure what to expect. I was having difficulty with finding someone to podcast with in the small village of Kaslo, as people were out of town that day, or were uncomfortable with not knowing or understanding my vision. My vision was and is "Unity in Community", however the vision of where do we start seems a bit cloudy. I met with Mahalia and my new friend Zia early this week and it is unanimous, we need more understanding of each other and need to remove our habitual manner of thinking. We need to be uncomfortable for a moment to find comfort; meaning, we need to stop shutting people out because they said something you don't agree with. You may disagree with someone, but what is in their heart and/or their understanding coming from? We may actually learn something from one another if we listen to the meaning rather than being triggered by certain words, the spells. Zia suggested that we call the podcast "Comfort in Discourse" which we all loved. I played around with the words a bit, and "Finding Comfort in Discomfort" seemed to have me spellbound. The power of words, the spells, is big on everyone's mind these days. Mahalia's heart is to undo the spells that have anyone bound to suffering with 'separation' from the Almighty Creator. Here's the thing, we seem to be looking for the experts to fix our problems, but with so many experts on any given political, social, financial, or spiritual issue it is hard to know who to trust and/or put our faith into. Dare I say trust in the one who created us, and ask through prayer and meditation that our Creator brings us healers. I do not have the gift of healing, I do however know many people that do. I have failed to understand that the gift of healing is just that, a gift. Every culture, creed, nation and tongue has healers. The idea is to HEAL not HINDER. The true healer understands that they have a gift from the Most High our creator, not from a Hippocratic oath created by man. I can learn all the text book studies of the anatomy or psychology of man/woman but without the spiritual gift I will be rendered useless. "forever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth." 2 Timothy 3:7 We have all been under an incredible amount of programming, but above all things we need to find the spirit within that drives our ambition. Do we want to bring understanding to issues with a heartfelt love for one another, or do we want to make money. I can't seem to break it down much simpler than that. In love, joy, peace, forbearance (patience), kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control I write to you. May your week be filled with all the fruits of the spirit. By a vessel, William John ![]() I want to take you back in time, to how I used to write. I hope that you can follow along, as I want my writing to be raw. I have a lot going on in my mind, and sometimes to focus my thoughts takes me on a strange ride. Why is this term in my mind? Primordial soup, who theorized such a rhyme? Out comes the dictionary to find the who rhymed this term in my mind. I must give homage where homage is due, is it a guy named Alex or Jack or Charles or Harold. I haven't got a clue who gave the soup it's due? It was theorized that our existence started with not only dust and dirt on the ground, but energy and matter where creation was found. Although it may be true, this group who theorized about the soup and the goo, they all failed to recognize the fruit and the glue. I struggle again with the thoughts in my mind, trying to conform with existence should be fine, but it is not fine, my emotions run high. What is the primordial soup that I have been seeking? The building blocks of life that have me wreaking within the existence of my own desire to know, “what is the point?”. I fail at life and continually get duped into believing that people are good, that people will love, that people will seek as I seek. I am manipulated by others with my desire to serve, to love, to be righteous and do the right thing. What is the primordial soup that I have been resisting? The building blocks of spiritual awakening that will have us become closer to the truth of existence. The love that had been poured into humanity was tainted with the existence of selfishness, the existence of anger, the existence of hate, and the existence of too much egocentric pride. I am manipulated by the pressure to fit with others, the antidote to living life with a promise, we're getting smothered. What is the primordial soup that takes us back to the beginning of time? When all that existed was just the love of the creation in mind. There was no crime in seeking the pleasure of existence, the only crime was the desire to know, "What is the point?". Legend or folklore is not categorized when dissecting our beginnings of dying or living when it mimics the allegorized. What is this crime I allude to in the previous paragraph? I struggle to expand for those who do not know. It is the story of the garden, where the Creator of all things gave freedom to live in paradise. The garden was built with the most euphoric and incredible bliss, induced without guilt was all that was missed. Love was not something to be obtained, it was how we were made. The forbidden fruit of the Tree of Knowledge was the catalyst of the separation of love from fear of not knowing love. Fear entered the conciseness of the first mother and father. They wanted to hide from the shame they were feeling, not even fig leaves sewn together could hide their guilt from the divine creator of life. They were told NO, or so it goes, but the temptation was too great. Was the serpent on the tree or in the heart or in the mind, can't you see? Most of us can’t agree, it seems to run contrary to what we believe. Deep in the soul should be the answers to the role that the story of the Garden plays in the spiritual understanding of life and of death. I’ve learned so much from the primordial soup I was once resisting, I started finding the truth that I was seeking. The truth comes from inside my mind when I give my heart just a little time. The scattered thoughts from the soup’s beginnings took me on a journey to our roots of sinning. I refuse to stay stuck in the mud of love that I was feeling, choosing instead to stay the course on the action of love that was revealing. Jesus said, “Who will come on this journey with me?”. It wasn’t going to be easy, but just wait and see! Love was the promise for all humanity, from the beginning of that tree of insanity! By a vessel, William John ![]() Everyone has emotional affairs. OK, I take that back. I assume that everyone is having emotional affairs. I have been accused of having an emotional affair, and it is hard to defend oneself against such a charge. Where is this coming from in regards to the accusations, and what gave them the reason to present such a charge? When the charge is presented does it need to be defended? Do people accuse others of projecting their own deep convictions? At the turn of the 20th century, any science regarding our human mental condition was considered "pseudo-science" and not to be taken seriously. Many writers such as Aldous Huxley championed for the human psyche to be examined and expounded on to keep the masses under control. Propaganda, deception, lies, and misinformation play a key role in keeping us under control, and it starts in the cranium. These keys to the mind are called the "trick" and we are all under an incredible amount of programming to comply with a desired outcome. You may be asking yourself what is the desired outcome? The desired outcome is very difficult to understand for most of the population, as it goes beyond any compassion, empathy, logic, reason, and most importantly LOVE. Love and hate operate in juxtaposition (love this word) with one another. They are the yin and yang of life and how we operate within our habitual manner of thinking and/or the lens through which we view the world through our experiences. Society has been pushed into a world of hate from the very moment of their existence on this planet called Earth. It is the agitation of hate that sets up in ourselves the fear responses of fight, flight, or freeze. The desired outcome from the trick is to keep us divided and fearful. Profits, not prophets, is only one outcome to be gleaned from the agitation of fear. Keeping us divided is a desired outcome that most of us fail to see the purpose. Questions such as; Cui bono (who benefits?), swirl around in my mind at least, which finds me challenging the status quo of the social engineering we are being manipulated with. This is where the theory of social engineering from the early days of psychology is now being put into practice at an alarming rate. The social media platforms are doing their jobs well. The controller's desired outcome is to remain in control of social, political, religious, scientific, and military issues, just to name a few. It is to keep us pacified, with the small dopamine hits of satisfaction. It is not just for profits. The controllers believe that they are above most of the world's population and that it is their job to see that we never look beyond their ideal utopian world. To achieve their ideal world they need to control the devices that we view the world on and move us away from any form of Godliness, making themselves god. We now worship their system, their control grid, and their ideal utopian world. But I like my life and my stuff, and my pleasures, and my desires, and my fantasies, wrestling in my mind. I am guilty of an emotional affair. I am a silhouette, a shadow, of what God had desired for not only my life but, our lives. We have all fallen short of the desire that God wanted us to be. As we watch the latest destruction somewhere in the world, there is a new flower budding on a tree outside. As we turn on some pornography to get the buzz of ejaculation (sounds crude, but true), there is a partner who will love you beyond all comprehension. As we get a crappy cup of coffee from the lineup of drive-through fumes, there is freshly ground pressed coffee waiting at a friend's. The mediocre illusions of the extraordinary keep us in a controlled state of being. What we have been building for the controllers of the world has literally taken us out of the spiritual world, we fail to see the incredible, amazing, and exciting world that was created for us to enjoy. We can all come out of the hypnotical state of glitter and gold, the illusion of happiness, entering into a truly euphoric life of love. I failed to walk in love these past few weeks. I kept searching for something that did not exist, I was having an emotional affair. I saw images of perfect couples, perfect bodily forms, and perfect worldly desires, but deep down I was still miserable. I was having an emotional affair with these images and against the creator of life. Then it happened, I was awakened from a dream with the most amazing adrenaline of unexplainable love. I could not put the adrenaline rush into words, as it was clear that God was showing me that everything is an illusion, a shadow, a silhouette of the kind of love that existed from the very beginning of creation. It was the serpent, devil, or Satan that polluted love, especially the love for one another, in the garden the day that Eve was tempted. The Serpent was correct, Adam and Eve did not die physically, many of us have failed to see they died spiritually. Adam and Eve had an emotional affair with the serpent which separated them from our creator, the embodiment of love. As you search for meaning, purpose, and life remember to remove yourself from the enslavement of worldly desires. Look up and ask for guidance from the designer of LOVE. By the vessel, William John |
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December 2024