In the film "What is a Woman" by Matt Walsh, Matt tries to find answers to this age-old question. He discovers that a woman is anybody who claims to be a woman. It is not about what somebody was born with, i.e. penis or vagina, it is a feeling. Further to this discovery, many of the men who are transitioning, need to go to great lengths to look like a woman on the outside, so by everyone's admission a woman looks and feels a certain way. There is no oxymoron, it is just moronic. The people that Matt interviews look like a man on the outside but "claim" they feel like a woman on the inside, not to judge, but it's truly insane! Question: If someone is a woman on the inside, with more estrogen than testosterone, how would they know that they feel like a woman? Who's to know really? Why would they need to take supplements to transition? Well, it turns out that if someone wants to transition into the opposite sex they need to take heavy doses of estragon or testosterone to trick their minds into making them their desired sex (which used to be gender, but this is a whole new topic), not to mention mutilate their bodies. Do "all" women "feel" a certain way inside? I venture to say no, and that all people are different due to culture, religious beliefs, conditioning, and most importantly experiences. It is preposterous to think that someone is not perfectly made, with whatever God gave us. Anybody who thinks that we are not perfectly made means that they are following the schemes of the devil, which is usually for monetary gain at the expense of someone's mental suffering. Lately, I have been challenged with what it is to be a man. What is an example of a man? Homer Simpson? Archie Bunker? Grizzly Adams? Boy George? Donald Trump? The list is long, but rarely, if ever, is our example of a transitioned man to a woman accepted. How is a man supposed to act? How is a man supposed to feel? How is a man supposed to treat a woman (or man)? As I search the internet I am plagued with even more questions. What is a man? Is it the marine or freeing soldier, a fighter or being bolder? From the examples listed in the paragraph above, a man used to live in the wilderness without a wife to love. Men hunted and fished, gathered and wished. What were they wishing for exactly? Maybe a good season, or reason, or legion. It doesn't really matter, as long as they keep to themselves and maintain the box in their mind that they are thinking of nothing. We see the MSM propaganda with men having no soul, no compassion, and a little weak on brains to interfere with their lives roles, and passions. Men are insensitive, or so we've been told, the heartless sucking of one's soul. What is this churning that has me yearning for meaning? It is because I have been too wishy-washy, as I have not held true to my convictions. It is because I have been stripped of my truth, my understanding, my roles and my passions. As a result, I have now been more concerned about hurting somebody's feelings, especially in the arena of intimate relationships. This is not being compassionate, this is a strange attempt to circumvent an argument or avoid a fight, it's rationing it. There is far too much emphasis on positive reinforcement rather than accountable transgressions, soul connection rather than role reflection, and agreement rather than argument. We are all different, even within our God-given temple, this is not equal to a desired sexual orientation, it is so simple. Feeling like a cat, doesn't make me a cat. I am feeling exhausted. I am feeling bored. I am feeling useless. I am feeling hopeless. I am not alone. I was told that I was going through a mid-life crisis about four years ago. While this may be true, I had no desire to find a sexy woman to hang on my arm or buy a new sports car, but instead, I struggled with, "What is the point?" and "What is a man?". It was in the year 2000 when I was so broken I needed to see a psychologist, as I was looking for love in all the wrong places. My psychologist's advice was this, "Make as much money as you can!". So, for years I chased money, but I never felt satisfied that this was the meaning of life. Sure, providing for the family was not only honorable but also biblical. However, was the point of life to just make as much money as you can? Is this really the message I wanted my children to take into life? Is this really the point of being a man? I have always been a dreamer and tried not to be a schemer. I have always wanted to do the right thing, but was shocked to find that the formula to living a successful life and being a real man, in the eyes of the world I must add, relies heavily on one's bank account. I am personally challenged with coming out of a system built on greedy principles rather than Godly ones. Many men I know are plagued with the same questions and feelings of hopelessness. Some men I know have taken things to the extreme, by suppressing thoughts with drugs and/or alcohol, buying sex, or trying to make themselves a woman. I understand the difficulties. How do we stand up to the greed pollution, noise pollution, and all the confusion? Most men I know have the desire to provide for their family, to love and cherish their wife, to create and build a life. There are a few men, built as warriors, who have the desire to take down greedy hands that profit from our suppression. There are a few men, built as hunters, who have the desire to provide regardless of the consequences of our controllers. There are a few men, built as protectors, who have the desire to tell the truth in the face of persecution. These are the men willing to play in the dragon's den when victory seems plausible and not impossible. Hiding behind the cloak of lies is not a good characteristic of a man. It is standing for truth, knowing that you might lose it all. This is a true warrior, a true hunter, and a true provider that men were created to be. Matthew 10:39 KJV - He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it. With love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control, mixed in with the power of truth! By the vessel, William John
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