![]() Hello, my friend. If you are someone who reads my blogs regularly I want to thank you personally for taking the time to journey with me. When I started the manuscript for An Abomination That Caused Desolation I was not sure how to introduce the information, and I concluded that I needed to write to "you". I felt that the information that I was sharing was best explained in the second-person writing style. You are taking the time, you are reading this, you are important. We all go through life on different journeys, different paths, different experiences. We all have different ambitions, different gifts, different ideas. We have something in common at this present moment, you are reading words that I compiled and now we are spending time together. You may not agree with what I have to say, my observations, or my understanding, but hopefully, I have your attention. I have been blogging for 6 months and it is not always easy to come up with something inspirational, especially if I'm "not feeling it". This particular blog is inspired by the Christian Passover that is starting on March 29, Good Friday and is intended as information I find interesting, not to convince you of anything. The Passover is a significant celebration or mourning depending on how someone has been raised to observe the event. I personally see the event as nothing more than an interruption of an already confusing time in history. I have difficulty finding time to celebrate, however mourning is equally fruitless. I have also marveled at the confusion surrounding the Passover, and how Jewish and Pagan holidays rarely coincide. Sorry, my Christian brothers and sisters, but most of our holidays are centered on Pagan ritual events surrounding the Lunar and Solar cycles. However, there is a strange reason that I am fixated on the celebrations around Easter or Passover this year and it has to do with the "significance of 40". What is so significant about 40 you may be asking? Let's just say, 40 is a magical number representing times of struggle, endurance, confusion, temptation, reflection, and courage, which always follows with new beginnings. Noah and family endured 40 days and 40 nights on a big boat while it rained. The Hebrews during the Exodus struggled in the wilderness for 40 years. Moses, Elijah, and Jesus all fasted for clarity in the wilderness for 40 days. Mohammed was visited by Gabriel at age 40. Buddha meditated without food or water for 40 days. Jesus ascended to the heavens 40 days after Passover called Pentecost. These historical stories (at the very least) have me pondering; "Did anything happen 40 years ago that I need to be mindful of?". YES, Absolutely! The year was 1984, and it was one of intrigue and innovation. In the book 1984 by George Orwell he writes about a dystopian world of totalitarian dictatorships, the reality was anything but. Most of the world was adopting the policies of the Western capitalists. The Macintosh computer was introduced to the world on January 24, 1984. Co-founder Bill Gates was featured in Time Magazine's April 16, 1984 edition, The Magic Inside the Machine. On April 23, 1984, the National Cancer Institute had found the cause of AIDS. I think everyone can agree that computers, Bill Gates, and AIDS were/are important on the historical timeline, especially through the lens of the past 40 years of programming information. The computer was supposed to make our office workload lighter, and it did. The internet was supposed to connect us to the world, and it did. Social Media was supposed to create connections with long-lost friends and family, and it did. Our mind, body, and soul however were/are not doing well. We have all the tools, and yet, we are still waiting for the magic. Could the magic be within our hearts? Last week I blogged about things hidden in plain sight. Many times numbers are hidden in plain sight which can represent dates, times, codes, secret societies, numerology, astrology, etc. Over the past few years, many people including myself have been witnessing the number 923. A quick Google search will reveal many instances throughout various media platforms when 923 has shown up. I have always believed that 923 represents a date like 911, so I have assumed that it is September 23 of some unknown year. But 923 could be a mirror date meaning 329, or March 29. This year March 29 is Good Friday and the start of Christian Passover. What do I suspect will happen on March 29? Probably nothing! Why even bring it to your attention then? Well, I have been bombarded with "Prediction Addiction" since I was a kid. Every year Jesus is supposed to come and rapture his bride (the church). Every year I hear about Phoenix Rising, Blood Moons, Age of Aquarius, Nibiru (Planet X), Constellations, Astrology, and the umpteen other end of the world as we know it scenarios. The Equinox on April 8th, 2024, is the latest event to hijack the minds of New Agers and Christians alike. May I suggest that we should stop and smell the flowers, take a walk in nature, or spend time alone in prayer and meditation to the giver and taker of life? There is no doubt that the world is changing, but is it? There is no doubt that there is a feeling of discontent in our minds, or is it? There is no doubt that we are witnessing calamity, but are we? How do we know? For centuries we have been dealing with ebb and flows, highs and lows, the building blocks of life. There is nothing new under the sun, however the material world of technology seems to be new. The emotions and attachment to new stuff appear to be consistent with the ancient world, the Bible symbolizes this as the Great city of Babylon. The end of the world as we know it has always had its beginnings from the destruction of Babylon. I am convinced beyond all measures that there is another plandemic cooking behind the scenes. Many people I know are resonating with the same frequency of “something is in the air”. The feeling of unrest is evident. We want the kings and queens to set us free, but it is the trick of control to a system that works that has us bound. We are living in slavery to a system, symbolically called Egypt. We are living in the filth and depravity of the minds of some, symbolically called Sodom. The Bible says this, "Come out of her my people", the her being the city of Babylon. Many Christians and Jews are waiting for the magical return of the Messiah. These groups fail to see that the return happened over two thousand years ago, it was finished. There is no need to wait for anything, we just need to live a life that is honoring to the Creator of life. Live your life as a daily sacrifice to the Lord, by following in the footsteps of a guy who was killed for showing a new way. Jesus was and is the new way, the new truth, and the new life. By a vessel with love, William John
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