What a week! There is so much to blog about this week, but I find myself struggling with the importance of anything. Blah, blah, blah settles my mind. The show must go on, and the commitment to my readers, myself, and the little voices in my head persist. This week with the plethora of topics to choose from personal, local, and international issues that have ensued, I am left trying to make all three relevant to you. In my personal life, I am once again dealing with my navigation of healthy boundaries. I also received my editorial review of the new book, which is mixed on how to proceed. With the ongoing fires close to our town’s borders, many people have been forced out of their small communities to look for refuge due to fires. Overseas we witnessed an opening ceremony that buzzed the internet with opinions, anger, rage, excitement, joy, and everything in between depending on what side of the lens a person chose to witness the charade. I was also interviewed on a podcast with Briggs on Books, with technical difficulties, Geesh! Upon further review, and the few days since I wrote the previous paragraphs, I have decided to stretch the material this week into three blogs over three weeks. This week I will focus on the local issue of displaced residents due to fires. Regular readers of my blogs might know I examine many predicaments with the moto, Cui Bono (who benefits). Many quotes over the centuries deal with confusing people with so much information and propaganda that it becomes difficult to find the truth. The truth is this, many people benefit from the fires that displace residences to larger centers, like the village where I reside. Tragedy supports the agenda. I am angered to learn that many fires could be extinguished within minutes of being discovered. I have friends who worked for BC Wildfire Services, who all agree that fires being fought today are much different than in the 1990’s. There have been a few arguments explaining the changes and challenges to the tactical forces from the 1990s until now. Fires help replenish new growth, and they assist the natural cycle, which I agree with. The opposite reasoning for the change is Climate Change in which I am in disagreement. I have heard both arguments from leading experts from the institutions who work for the world governing authorities. Which is it, let-em burn for new growth or Climate Change? It can’t be both, or could it? I asked the question, and the response was this; Governments are fighting Climate Change in the name of Geo-engineering, let-em-burn initiatives, and sustainable development resourcefulness in the name of reducing climate change. Cui Bono? Why do I care? This year the fire season affects our small community, as the displacement of people happened only 2 weeks before our annual Jazz Festival. The festival has been going since 1992 and has brought many amazing artists and musicians from all over the world. Unfortunately, the festival has mixed reviews from the local community, and this year it has been intensified. Many locals love the quaint and secluded life without interruption in this isolated mecca of British Columbia. For the festival organizers, it is a lot of work, time, and money to make the weekend event the success it has become. For one weekend out of the year, it puts our community on the map. Like it or not it is happening again, but with an increase in population of evacuees, which puts a heavy burden on an already strained community. I am proud of the organizers who put this event together. I am equally proud of the community businesses that work hard to ensure they are properly staffed and have enough goods and services to fulfill the weekend's demands. I also see that this year is especially challenging, and the decisions have not been made lightly. The show must go on, and it is not for reasons of money lost or gained, it is the right thing to do. I am not an authority on festivals, forest fires, or the local community politics, however, I feel that we all need a change of heart, and I write about this extensively. There is something that people might not be giving thought to, letting the bullies win. If there is a global agenda to displace rural communities to live in the 15-minute cities found within the Sustainable Development Agenda 2030 initiatives, then by stopping the festival, the agenda cronies win. Sadly, the fires ripped through the small communities, but the unity that happens is the result we should strive for. The displaced people have free tickets to the event, and our community has overwhelmed the disaster relief center with giving. At this time of incredible loss of property and livestock, can we be supportive and put differences aside? Can we extend a hug and shoulder to cry on, with words of compassion, like, "Everything is going to be OK"? Can we stop thinking of ourselves for a moment, and think instead; "How can I help?". I pray there is a speedy return to the displaced communities. I pray there is joy, happiness, love, and hugs found at the Jazz Festival weekend. I pray those who are fighting fires are kept safe. I pray people behind the curtain of decision-making put themselves in the shoes of the less fortunate and do the right thing. Remember the golden rule, "Treat others how you want to be treated". Life is full of division, confusion, pain, and suffering, but there is a golden lining when people stop for a moment to think of others. Compassion is the key to a healthy and prosperous life, which everyone deserves. Love one another, and enjoy the show. Be the shoulder to cry on while listening to your favorite artists, or the listening ear at the counter you serve at. As tragic as the fires are, we are all in this together. With love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. By the Vessel, William John
The schemes of evil masquerade as sweet-tasting pleasures, propagating the spirit of the seven deadly sins, which trigger the small dopamine hits of bliss. The highs and lows that come from the euphoric feeling of temporary pleasure are exhausting to the soul, coming with a price and undesired consequences, sometimes leading to death. Everything has an expiration, including our physical body, so choose this day whom you will follow... Life or Death. Have you heard the definition of insanity? It is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting a different result. How about the less-known definition of depression? Depression is the result of unfulfilled expectations. No wonder we have a generation of insanity and depression. Women, men, and everything in between, have been bombarded with insane expectations. It starts young in the minds and hearts of our children with, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" Where, what, how, and when do you want to achieve your goals? Go to school, get edumacated, make as much money as possible before you are 50, and have a beautiful house with a beautiful spouse. Propagate the pattern until the exasperation and anxiety set in, and trauma is accepted. There is a huge problem with the institutionalized formula, it is a connection with one another and partnership commitment. Many of us are looking for the answers, and desire to come out of the matrix, but we are unsure how to do the work. So we scour the internet to find meaning and purpose and help to overcome our dopamine-induced anxiety and depression. The Internet gurus have found victory over their narcissistic partners, dopamine pleasures, and anxiety triggers, giving us hope that we can also be included in the victory circle of living life and the release of past trauma. Our attempts at creating a healthy mindset are met with futile results, and we realize that we are on the crazy train to the abyss. Relationship Gurus are littering the social platforms and mainstream media, as it is a hot topic. For most of us, the desire to be in a committed relationship is an obvious proposition. We are willing to do the work, but what is it we are working for exactly? Do we understand that nobody is perfect and that the manipulation that comes from higher expectations is driving us apart? The life we have been manipulated to believe in probably does not exist. Are we trying to keep up with others in their make-believe social media status, insane monthly payments with two weeks of vacation, or soul-robbing manicures and pedicures for attracting the next three-month rendezvous year after year? We want to do the work, but it doesn't seem profitable or achievable. Lately, I have been suffering from the insanity and depression that come from modern-day relationship expectations. Men have been taught to be passive and "take it like a man", as their partners throw insults and depreciate any good intentions. Most men in these situations want to defend themselves, which is seen as aggression. So men turn inward and fail to communicate because any discussion will ultimately be an outright admittance of wrongdoing and not understanding our partner's feelings. "I'm sorry", becomes a confusing statement on both sides of the feelies debate, and the circle of chaos continues. Depression sets in, and failure to communicate persists. I am not a passive person. I am passionate and willing to fight back when I feel threatened or losing the cooperation battle. I have been taught to stick up for myself and don't give in to bullies. If I'm honest, I don't appreciate correction and I don't like to be lorded over or controlled, which is problematic when someone is demanding to have me do something their way. I don't like to be manipulated, coerced, or criticized, and I tend to overreact when the aforementioned are present. Saying this, I am extremely compassionate, loyal, patient, kind, and fair. It takes a lot to make me angry, but when pushed too far, I explode! When the explosion happens, it is difficult to take words and actions back. We only have one option, ask for forgiveness. The problem for most people, is they only see how their partners react, and rarely take responsibility for triggering the explosive response in someone. Agitation to win the fight, instead of recognition of going too far. Many times in these blogs I end up making it personal for a reason, we are all different, but it is nice to know that someone is going through similar circumstances, feelings, or life challenges. Men and women are polar opposites in so many ways, and the schemes of evil use our polarization as division, instead of addition. I hope that my words resonate with the challenges that many couples are going through. I know that nobody is perfect, and I never want to be held to a higher position of authority, as this would be hypocritical. So I make it personal, raw, and as honest as I can in an attempt to help break the chains that have us bound and submitted to the schemes of evil. As I get older, I am faced with the challenges of where I go from here, what is life's purpose, and finding joy and happiness in less than-lovely circumstances. Failure has been my stumbling block, and picking up pieces that are strewn about seems pointless. Yes, the pieces of the past have made us who we are, and there is no escaping the effect it has had on our mind, body, and soul. Our healing comes from choosing to pick ourselves up and don't look back. Leave any rotten and broken pieces behind, by choosing instead to follow the truth, the way, and the life. We will always be faced with temptations in life, but understanding how to navigate temptation is key to living a happy joyful life. The guilt of partaking in temporary pleasures needs to be shed to truly move through life without trauma triggers. Holding on to trauma will ultimately be the possession that drives people insane. I hate the cliches', but it is true, "Give it to God"! Letting go of trauma possession, and leaving it behind is the true path to healing. I bring this up because so many people throw trauma around like arrows to the heart. "I'm this or that" or "you're this or that" mud-slinging rhetoric in an attempt to give license to crappy behavior. We need to stop this behavior if we want to have success in life ever-lasting. The schemes of evil masquerade as sweet-tasting pleasure, don't be fooled. The desires of your heart will be manifested in your intentions. If your heart's desire is LIFE, you'll love. If your heart's desire is death, you'll hate. A pleasurable life starts with honorable intentions, understanding, and the fruits of the spirit, such as love, kindness, patience, and peace. Choosing life is an obvious choice, and it is found in the heart. Until next week, William John "We're only as sick as our secrets," this was quoted by Ace Frehley who was a member of the band KISS in an interview several years ago. This quote resonated with me this week as I have been working with a secret. The secret came from a time when promiscuity was normal and "free love" promoted unconfined meaningless intercourse. There were consequences in the free love movement, as sex certainly was not free. The truth is, that everyone has to deal with feelings of guilt from wrongful actions at some point in their life. The hippies of the sixties had a few choices for their lustful actions, one of which was to bury the guilt with secrecy. The secret was originally brought to my attention by a family member who didn't feel right holding on to the private affair. It is a difficult conversation to have when the people whom we love have been caught in a scandalous relationship. There is a huge problem with the scandal as everyone involved has passed away, and we have been left with the consequences and questions. The consequences almost got buried, but due to the technology of DNA, the secret was exposed. Our new family member knows the truth and is now curious about his roots, there is no healing when hiding secrets, and I am reminded of the saying, "The truth will set you free". As many of my readers know, I can't help but make biblical references from time to time. There is a passage of scripture that I now understand means until a guilty person repents and asks for forgiveness the sins (secrets) will be handed down for generations, found in the book of Exodus 34:7. This was written at a time before DNA technology and was given to Moses, a man who did not know his biological parents. In the case of the hippies of the sixties, who had children out of less-than-beautiful circumstances, secrecy appeared to be the only option. The secret and any evidence of wrongdoing would be buried with it for three to four generations. I'm writing this with a renewed understanding and I see now that it can take a minimum of three generations to bury a secret, father/mother, son/daughter, and grandchildren. Many years ago I hired a young man who was adopted. His "closed adoption" made it difficult to find his biological parents. He longed to find the truth of his adoption and his biological parents. In his words to me, "I want to know why I think the way I do." He never felt part of his adopted parents' life because he knew he was different. He was an intellectual, polite, determined young man, full of anger and self-destruction. He was sent to counseling for years to determine why he would not comply and be like the other kids, but when he expressed his feelings of loneliness for not knowing his biological roots it was always met with resistance. The gatekeepers to the pieces of paper of closed adoption rhetoric failed to see that they could help this young man grow spiritually by allowing the truth to set him free. It was simple, made difficult by the govern (control)-ment (mind). I felt sorry for the young man and encouraged him to find an agent to help him find his biological parents and the secrecy that surrounded his adoption. The plethora of stories bred from the intimate rendezvous' in a back alley or broom closet somewhere is staggering. It has made shows like Maury Povich or The Genetic Detective popular beyond all comprehension. Because of our sick fascination with pointing fingers at wrongdoers and mocking their actions, society has made exposing secrets profitable, and not honorable. Nobody wants to be caught in the crossfire between the shameful action and the consequences, it should not be put on public display. We are no better than the people being mocked publicly. Protection seems to be the biggest reason for secrecy, I know this all too well, as my childhood innocence had been stolen. Whenever a perpetrator of childhood innocence is grooming their victim, the secrecy card is pulled and fear is introduced. "Shhhhh...this is our little secret", and "You don't want me to hurt you and/or the people you love". I only bring this forward for understanding, not "Woe is me". I was determined to hide the shameful action to protect my family and myself. I was about 12 years old when I exposed the secret to my mom. Exposing lies is usually the first step in any healing process and/or spiritual journey. I felt free and liberated from the guilt which was imposed on me. The truth had set me free. In the case of my new family member, who are we protecting? The actions of two consenting adults who fell victim to the lust of the flesh or the consequences of the action? Are we protecting feelings, and whose feelings? Are we trying to safeguard made-up accusations in our heads? Everyone we are trying to protect has been laid to rest, it's okay to embrace the consequences of actions within the beautiful soul that was created. "Blood is thicker than water", or "Genes are stronger than adoption". The truth will set everyone free. This whole exercise of secret-keeping has been exhausting. I have done stupid things over my 50+ years of living, some things have been shameful, and I am not proud of my actions. I also realize that I am not going to stay in my stupidity, I've learned from my actions, and I have asked for forgiveness from the people whom I feel that I have wronged. If I am ever asked if I did something stupid, with a clear conscience I can say, "Yes I did" followed by, "I apologized, and have released any feelings of guilt that have kept me living with the repercussions of wrongful actions". The newest known member of our family is...well... Family! Hiding the fact that he exists is not going to change the consequences. I have chosen to embrace the consequences, not because I am self-righteous, but because it is the right thing to do, and it exudes loving action. I am not writing this in an attempt to throw certain family members under the bus, but to use our circumstances as a learning example for the many thousands/millions of families dealing with the same state of affairs. As I think of Ace Frehley's quote, it is true, that we are only as sick as our secrets. How many people throughout the years have been plagued with PTSD as a result of wrongful actions or protecting criminals for unmentionable activity? How many people throughout the years have sought help from psychologists, psychiatrists, or counselors, only to be told that everything shared is confidential and secret? It is a known fact that keeping someone fearful keeps a body in the adrenaline response of fight, flight, or freeze. A mind, body, and soul kept in this response for too long causes heart problems and early death. I have since learned that Ace Frehley was quoting from the Alcoholics Anonymous 12 step program. While I ponder my family's response to this latest blog, "Welcome to the family Len!" In love, William John "And a certain scribe came, and said unto him, Master, I will follow thee whithersoever thou goest. And Jesus saith unto him, The foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head." Matthew 8:19-20 KJV It is difficult doing life on your own, with no place to lay one's head. I am one of the fortunate ones, I have a place to call home, but it is getting tougher as the months and years go by. Rents are soaring, and it appears the heart of giving is also fading. I am surprised how many people I come into contact with are concerned about the housing crisis, but have 3 houses and vacation homes that sit empty. Let's face it, and be honest, we have a heart crisis. People are naturally greedy and want to exude an extravagant lifestyle to massage their egos. I'm not judging, only observing, as I am guilty by association. So many of my friends and family are working to pay bills, not working for the benefit of others. So many of us want to help bring change to our circumstances, not to help extinguish the misfortunes of others. We have way too much, and it shows in the many hoards of garbage piled in many yards and homes in every town and city in every nation on earth. Buying and selling is a way of life, and it is a life I was all too familiar with. Pre-determined and perceived obsolescence are the mastermind disguises for multi-level marketing profits. We have been conditioned to keep consuming from the world of big corporations, instead of giving from the abundance of the cycle of life and living. I am surrounded by the gluttony, as I look across the street and see another homeless victim from the drug-induced rhetoric that possessed their soul. It is sad. As a result, I'm lonely and I believe Jesus was as well. Sure Jesus had an entourage of followers, however when the critical point of following Jesus was met with losing everything the people scattered. As Jesus looked up, only twelve were left, and not all twelve had his best interest at heart. Jesus knew that the hearts of some of these men who sat around him were deceitfully wicked, namely Judas. Money drove the heart of Judas, and he was willing to sacrifice a man he claimed he loved for all intents and purposes, pocket change. What an absolutely bizarre story, but it is true. Throughout time in every nation, tongue, creed, and culture, there have been people who have the heart of Judas. These people are willing to kill the souls of humankind, both metaphorically and spiritually, for pocket change. We would much rather watch from a distance than offer a homeless person a place to shower, eat, and lay their head for a night. It is easier to give a percentage of the pocket change to a governmental faceless socialized institution. "I give", we argue, as we pass the rows of homeless placards pleading for help. Jesus was neither the homeless placard carrier nor the ten percent giver, he was a messenger and vessel for truth. He carried with him the keys to the kingdom. Anyone who chose to follow Jesus with a pure heart was willing to sacrifice their own lives for the lives of others. The apostles laid down their lives to show a better way by following the teacher named Jesus, through spreading the truth, which paved the way for life everlasting. As a result, most of the early apostles and followers of Jesus were homeless. So... I digress... I originally started writing to get a message out that I chose to believe was from God. I knew that what I was writing was controversial, as it goes completely contrary to the narrative spewed from the MSM and pulpit denominationalism. It is ultimately a story of LOVE and how to come out of a system designed to enslave us, but it is a difficult story to swallow. The idea of losing everything because we won't comply with the system is... well... difficult, to say it simply. I realize now that the message is not for the faint of heart, it takes courage. I don't have enough courage to go on this journey alone, I want an entourage of like-minded people to help. I keep getting side-tracked because I desire to have a wife and a life, without the interference of outside socialized influence. I want to do life the way that I understand happiness, joy, and peace to appear, sprinkled in with a plethora of things, such as a nice car, a beautiful wife, success, and a house on the lake. My heart is divided, the desire for things is powerful, and my desire to follow the call is equally strong. I find myself wondering and wandering. "What is my purpose?", as I move through life's journey. I've worked hard and had it stripped away, like many people who didn't comply with the mandates imposed on our sovereignty and autonomy. So many of us are starting over. I'm not going to lie... it sucks. I can pretend all I want, but I am just a man feeding a system that I refuse to agree with. "What don't you agree with", some question as they take a sip of their ten-dollar coffee as they read this on their laptops, iPads, or Smartphones. Yes, I'm grateful, as I stated before, I'm not homeless. I live in two different worlds. One that rewards our good work through flattery and the plethora of luxury that our hearts would ever desire. The second is the obvious suffering that many others have been subjected to. The message of Jesus was simple, yet difficult. The road is narrow, and it shows in the heart. How will we make money, pay the bills, drive a nice car, or buy a nice home? Every time I take a moment to listen and see, it's obvious, that money does not buy happiness. But the voices in my head say, "Look all this can be yours if you just follow the system, it works". What is the conclusion then? For each person, it will be different. Prayer and meditation are the keys to understanding the voices inside our heads. Confirmation from others that resonates with our souls helps our path of understanding. We are all hands and feet to a larger assignment, helping one another on the narrow path. Jesus may have been homeless, but he wasn't useless. The ideas placed forth by a man who walked the earth two thousand years ago were to inspire us, not dishearten us. Changing our heart's desires, and putting people before possessions should be the ultimate goal. By a vessel, William John Love is in the air. This has been an incredibly emotional week. I am being challenged this week on how to be calm and still. There is a small voice in my head that says to wait on the Lord, whatever that means!? I am also in denial about commitment. One of my BFFs got married this weekend. I have known the bride and groom for about the same amount of time, and have even been accused of introducing the couple, LOL. I didn't want the title of matchmaker because I introduced them during a very tumultuous time for most of us, somewhere in early 2021. Everyone was on lockdown, relationships were highjacked by the masks and social distancing, and let us not forget that Rice Krispies and toilet paper were not on the store shelves. It hasn't been easy to commit to anything, especially for this new couple. The future bride was coming out of many years of addictions, and the future groom was still getting high at every opportunity. But, somehow this couple saw through all the division and committed themselves to one another, letting go of the things which possessed them to falsity. They both had epiphanies that God's way is the only way, which brought us to the witnessing of their convictions. The ceremony and their commitment to one another is an inspiration. At some point, in the spring of this year, I was asked if I would stand up and be a groomsman. I accepted the challenge and bought some new shoes, and dark grey pants for the event. I was not sure of the role that I had committed to, but another BFF put it best, making sure we encourage the groom to stay dedicated and to resolve, not dissolve. This is an interesting perspective, as this is a role that many groomsmen (including myself) have not been communicated to, or properly understood. Many times when the chaos of relationships becomes too much, we encourage people to dissolve and move on. "It's not worth the stress!", is regurgitated from the rhetoric. I believe that one of the reasons that I was so emotional this weekend is not only due to the love I have for the bride and groom but also the lack of commitment I have been faced with over the years. Commitment is a two-party proposition. You are either both "in", or it will never work. Commitment is the glue that holds any relationship together, with indecisiveness and lack of control being the opposite result. Expectations will also lead to disappointment, which is yet, another reason so many relationships fail. No ceremony, ritual, or symbol of commitment will keep relationships together unless the heart is right with God first. We are to serve, not to be served. The perfect will of God is to help one another when the other is hurting, both physically and emotionally. In the context of marriage, becoming one flesh is not sexual intercourse, but the consummation of the heart. It is to work at becoming equally yoked, which means that as a couple you are working for a common goal or desire. Yes, it is easier to believe the same, but more importantly, having the same values. Expectations and arguments surrounding our roles within the institution of marriage should be mute, especially when we want to serve one another. Arguments over whether or not the earth is flat or round should not dissolve commitment. Disappointment over unfulfilled expectations, such as not getting flowers or someone putting the roll of paper towel on the wrong way, should not be the demise of a relationship. Stopping our attitude from frustration over minor details or misunderstandings should come first and forthcoming to resolving feelings of relationship remorse. "If only they did things the way I want or think the way I do", then our life would be blissful. This should be seen as selfishness and not helpfulness. Why do I go off on the relationship tangents I do? Well... everyone I know seems to be dealing with relationship commitments. As someone who was married twice, with multiple failed relationships, I'm exhausted. I see that men and women are being played, not only for monetary means but for morality means. The devil, or at least the symbology, is in the room. The sins that draw us away from commitment, such as the Greener Grass syndrome, are designed to break hearts. "You can do better", rolls around in the mind. "They're no good for you!", strikes a cord on the heart. But, try and try as I may, I seem stuck on repeat, and additionally, many people I am involved with are as well. So many of us have bought into this idea of Greener Grass because we are not content. Being content is being satisfied with what you have, the opposite is true within the heart of coveting. Make your dreams come true, make money, make time for yourself, etcetera, are calls of action against contentment. It just occurred to me, that looking outside of ourselves for something to make us happy is what is meant by, "You can't love others unless you love yourself". A person who is content is usually happy. Wow... I am rarely content, which makes it very difficult to commit. I am also a people pleaser. I often will not say, do, or defend something or someone to appeal to someone's perceptions. My mind is always racing, trying to do the right thing, but my heart struggles to commit. The words that come out of my mouth are often not the same words I place on paper. It is often easier to be alone and avoid confrontation, even though I desire to be with a companion. As I finish this week, I come to a few conclusions for edification. To my newly married brother and sister, Giver'; to my American brothers and sisters this is a Canadian way of saying "You got this" or "Go get your heart desires". I'm so proud to call you my friends. It is obvious commitment is difficult but not impossible, as I am reminded, commitment goes both ways. When two people commit to the same goal and desire, they can be unstoppable. I am also humbled by the fact that the true honor of any commitment MUST be rooted in our Creator, which was manifested in a man named Jesus Christ. Jesus represents the way, the truth, and the life in which we are to commit our lives. It was evident at the ceremony that we are all vessels to the love and unity required to help each other in our commitment and promise to one another. I promise to be the groomsman that I was commissioned to be, edifying and building on the promise that we all contain. Putting on new shoes and walking the talk. One last thing I concluded, Jesus was single... just saying... LOL. In love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control, William John The month of June has been highjacked by pride, and might I add, a twisted understanding of the word and its action. I have been guilty of the spirit of pride. I have faced this charge over the years, but nothing more significant than what happened this spring with the uncovering of vandalism to my old van. I bring this back to our attention, as I spent over 20 years hanging onto a possession that I spent thousands of hours and money into, only to have some of these hours and money destroyed at the hands of misguided youthful energy. I have been proud of this van, but am I proud because of the work I've done, the money I've spent, or am I show-boating with a "look at what I have"? I teeter on my purpose of having this possession, as I know I must put people before possessions. With my admittance of being prideful, something else has been consuming my thoughts lately, humility. I have been involved over the years with groups that claim that the feeling of guilt is not from God. This stands out in my mind, as there is only one unforgivable sin recorded in New Testament biblical texts, "Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit". I struggled for years to understand the meaning of this ambiguous language, but then it dawned on me, no remorse for wrongdoing. Humility from a feeling of guilt can be forgiven, but pride leads to destruction, as no remorse for wrongdoing ruins the soul. Ruining the soul is the true nature of Pride Month. As far back as I can remember, I have been heavily influenced by Native American and/or Indigenous culture. From my many Native friends to girlfriends or my adopted families, I love the indigenous way of living. The attraction has been the humble nature that runs deep in the souls of the Native American indigenous life. The connection to nature and our creator are core values within most of the Indigenous families that I have had the pleasure of being connected with. The native way is not to exploit resources but to always put back in nature more than we extract. The native way was to share, as everything within the tribes belonged to everyone else. The native way was not to store up treasures here on earth, but to leave behind a better inheritance or legacy for their children. It is what our Creator God had intended from the beginning, living in unity and caring for creation. Indigenous humility comes from our Creator and is found in the strongest foundations of love and community. Indigenous life is not a Native American exclusive club, it is the knowledge of our earliest ancestorial habitation. The unfortunate truth is that the indigenous way has been compromised by the colonial way. Colonization is based on feeding the greed and gluttony of the most powerful kings (and queens), by building possessions through the suppression and compliance of commoners. Taking instead of giving, selling instead of sharing, which is now in the minds of just about everyone I am in contact with, including my Indigenous family. Due to institutionalized socialism, based on the protocols of global governance, the whole world has been ushered into the compliant obedience of the unknown leader. The king of the castle now resides in the heart. What do I mean? "Look at what I built", "Look at what I have" and "Look at ME!", runs strong in the minds of the colonizers, it's pride, and it comes from the heart. Placed there through the mind control slogans like, "Those with the most stuff wins", "You deserve it", "Just Do It!", or "Do what thou wilt". Materialization and colonization have hypnotized us into submission, to a system that has been built to destroy our souls. The duality of the serpent's tongue has polluted the pride that comes from a job well done to a sadistic sexual orientation. The rainbow has been highjacked to symbolize pride instead of promise. Indigenous humility appears weak and passive instead of strong and active. The indigenous humility is dying, being replaced with the unhealthy pride that comes from the "tricksters" of mind control learned through the colonizers. Many people have exposed the trick over the years, but nobody is more prominent than Jesus (at least in my mind). The most important movement in religious history came from the story found in Acts. The story is one of humility and unity, which spread through the nations of earth rapidly with conviction. The spirit of God was residing in the heart, and it mattered not what tribe or nation you were associated with. It only mattered who you placed on the throne. There were only two options: Jesus or Satan. The juxtaposition, yin-yang, or duality within the two characters would be understandable in every nation, tongue, and creed on earth. A simple message, "who would govern our temple and sit on the throne of our heart?" It was clear, "Blessed are the humble, for they shall inherit the earth.". The verdict is in: Pride is destroying humanity and our souls . I have played in the minefield of misinformation from hypnotic images and slogans, which is the promotion of pride. I have tried, with dire consequences, to fit into the matrix. I have now found my purpose for living, and it is exposing the matrix for what it is, "a fraud!". I am a small part of the puzzle, and so are you. Together, through understanding, unity, and humility, we can slay the beast of deadly sins, one of which is pride. The manipulators have played on our competitive nature. The pride that swells in the spirit from being the best, first, or special should be momentary. Sure, it's entertaining to watch our favorite team, celebrity, or country win the golden treasure, but in the arena of the heart, nobody is better than anyone else. Egotistical pride should not be the desire of our hearts, as someone is always jockeying for the top spot. We are all hands and feet to a much bigger universal assignment, loving one another. As we finished Pride Month together, I was saddened by all the images of hate. The many placards with slogans that read "Not Today Jesus!" plastered over the pentagram star. It was obvious to many people that pride has now been exposed for what it is, destruction of humanity and our soul. The pride that is being promoted is NOT based on humility, love, compassion, and unity, it is the in-your-face mocking of anyone who does not accept the adoption of colonization to perversion and distortion. It should be clear that a job well done is much different than "look at what I have done, look at all my stuff, look at ME or I'm better because...". Pride without compassion, based on selfishness, without thinking about how it affects others, is the slippery slope to having no remorse. Who will clean up the mess after all the pride partying is finished? I would imagine it will be the humble, the believers in Indigenous humility. I write this with conviction, as I fall short of God's kingdom found in the heart. I pray earnestly for a time that the evil in the world is extinguished, and it starts with the person in the mirror. Love always, William John One of the most difficult things for me is understanding how to navigate purpose. I never want to come off as egotistical, harsh, abrupt, or cocky, but sometimes I think these traits are misconstrued by onlookers. I believe this is because people who carry a message are often very strong in their convictions. Everyone, whether they like it or not, is being ushered into a new world with promises of a utopian euphoria, it is what lens we see this promise from is the confusion. Anyone bringing a message is right in their convictions, some a message of hope, but frequently it feels like despair. I have tried to convey our message with gentleness, truth, and above all, LOVE. When I finished writing An Abomination That Caused Desolation I was overjoyed that I wrote something I believed everyone would get behind. I took something old and made it relevant for the age we live in now. It was an ambiguous prophecy that nobody talks about, and yet it is the kickstart to most end-of-days theology. I was doubt-founded that nobody in religious circles was clever enough to see the connection between Daniel's prophecy and the planned epidemic/pandemic (unsure of what I mean, it's in the book), I couldn't understand why I felt such a strong conviction to write about it. The book is not an attempt to start a new cult following, a new movement out of the church, a new revolution, convert atheists to Christianity, and/or convince the religious right to convert to the new age. It is simply a meager attempt to inform people about deception and lies that we are all being exposed to, and to stay awake. In the past several months I have written blogs to try and get to the heart of issues. Using my habitual manner of thinking through biblical rhetoric, I often conclude that it is our heart that we need to examine and learn to have compassion and understanding with the difficulties that come our way. This was not the original point of the blogs. The point of blogging was simply this, to try to create interest in my first published book. I was so sure that the information contained in the book was going to change lives and help shed light on very controversial material. I still maintain this, but it is up to the reader to grasp the concept, not by coercion, but by their awakening or enlightenment. Anyone who has sincerely read the book has come to me with words of encouragement and praise, to this I have been feeling very humbled, as many times the words that came out of me were... well... not of me. Believe me, I'm not that smart. This past week I was on the ferry coming home, and as I often do, I sat in the lobby to find conversation. I noticed a lady was carrying a book so I started to engage in dialogue with her and her son. "What are you reading?" I ask. "It is a fiction book by a local author," she answers. I like to see what people are reading as I like to get ideas for my readers, although I write non-fiction. I realize many people read to escape the reality of living, not for information or education. I decided to steer the conversation by telling her I am a writer. "What do you write?", she asks. "Non-fiction, about biblical understanding of end-of-days theology." "Really! I'm a pastor's wife", she smugly confesses. At this point in the conversation, my language radar goes on, as I know that everything I am saying now is being scrutinized through her lens of understanding and Biblical indoctrination. "Interesting", I retort, "your husband won't like the book!" I needed to get out the gist of the book, but like many religiously convicted members of denominationalism, it was falling on deaf ears. Her strong conviction that she and her husband have the one true way to God is based on the thousands of dollars in tuition at UBC and the hours spent studying to get good marks. This makes her married to an expert in the field and anyone who does not speak the same language is often referred to as an apostate, cultic, heretic, or the devil himself. I could see that she was not interested in my message, and she and her son left the ferry lobby with a polite, "Goodbye". I may have been wrong in my assessment of body language and atmosphere, for this I apologize to the pastors wife (if she ever reads this?). I am not picking on any person and/or specific group, but in many religious groups, which I was part of, the members are trained to look for trigger words or misinterpreted scriptures. I spent over 25 years in bible scripture showdowns and being reprimanded for not reciting scripture properly. Learning to criticize your opponent "in love" is an art, but extremely exhausting. I still need to know when to hold my tongue, this is an ongoing process. I was scrolling on social media a few days after the ferry incident, and someone had posted a meme about the pandemic and the mountain of lies that surrounded it. It triggered a response in me, in which I politely stated "Lest We Forget!". The plandemic is not over by a long shot! We are fighting a Beast bigger than most people want to understand and it is ultimately after our heart. I knew that once the Abomination That Caused Desolation was completed I needed to keep going, the second book is now out for editing and publication. I started the book about 8 months ago and it has been a battle between the mind (words) and the hands (keyboard). The heart of the matter is this, "How do we slay the beast, especially those who live in the most luxurious time in history?" The new book is interesting, but after much review and contemplation, the tools are the same, "Love one another!". When people rumor, mock, lie, and gossip about me, how should I respond? We are not fighting flesh and blood, but powers and principalities. Or, turn the other cheek! Or, forgive them Lord for they know not what they do! Or, love thine enemy! What do these even mean? In light of the new book, it means you'll have to wait and see, just kidding... it means to keep living and find purpose. As I stated in my first book, if you have been given a life full of riches, use your blessings to bless others. If you are poor, accept gifts, work hard, and love your freedom, as possessions tie people down. If you are in politics, make decisions based on generosity and not mercenary. Living life is ultimately about hope. It is this hope that we should strive for, found within the teachings of Jesus and many others. I also plea for those who understand, do not give up hope and stay awake. The work isn't finished, for some, it is just beginning. Until division has turned to unity, and the real enemy is exposed, the person behind the curtain, be strong. By a vessel with love and peace and patience and kindness, William John "How do you want your eggs?" "Sunnyside up", I say with a grin. I was cooking up some eggs this week, and it got me thinking, "Why do I like my eggs Sunnyside up?". Actually, I don't know that I have a preference as I will eat eggs any way they are served. For the sake of my mind-bending reality, Eggs Over Easy or Scrambled Eggs were close seconds to the title of this blog. Many times, I write about the programming and mind control that we are under, Scrambled eggs as it were. Sometimes, due to the force of habit or what we are accustomed to we revert to what we know best, good or bad, it is what makes us comfortable, Sunnyside up perhaps. In the case of eggs, I detested runny yolk when I was a kid, but for some reason, I routinely found eggs on my plate this way. Why? Because... well... I had no choice, and nothing else was available to eat unless we finished what was on our plate. Growing up in the 70s was not all sunny you know, we learned to; "do as I say, not as I do", "do not take more than you can chew", "there is no dessert until you finish what is on our plate", "children were to be seen and not heard", and "children were starving in a third world country somewhere". Many kids were forced to eat things that they didn't like, and as for myself, I still turn my nose up on Liver or Brussels sprouts. When I moved out on my own, I pledged that I would avoid eating foods I didn't like, with one exception, when I am a guest at someone's home and it is on the table. There is another thing many kids were programmed to understand, RESPECT. My parents always said, "If a host has gone to the trouble to invite you for a meal, you always eat what is placed on the table, it is called respect". Back to the eggs... To me, cooking up eggs is like an allegory and metaphor for living life. What eggs-actly do I mean, you may be asking yourself? I was never taught the ways of eggs (life). I learned through observation and trust that my parents knew best how eggs were to be prepared. The knowledge about preparation, such as Scrambled, Fried, Poached, or Boiled, was reduced to mom's lectures about eating what is put in front of us. We learned our lessons from books such as Green Eggs and Ham and I guy named Sam. Doctor Suess was obviously colluding with the parents to get children to accept what is put before us, even if we recognized that green means moldy and smells bad. Don't judge something by the way it looks was the lesson of the day, you might just like green eggs if you give them a try. So I did what any normal person does, I studied the ways of egg preparation. I learned that being scrambled is the same as being confused, and for much of my life, I have been trying to figure things out. The not-so-obvious meaning of scramble is from the late 16th-century English combination of scamble ‘stumble’ and cramble ‘crawl’. Some of us stumble and crawl to the finish line of purpose, unsure of the reason for the experience. The small voice in my head constantly reminds me to take my thoughts captive, to reassemble the scrambled mess of experiences. Like the scrambled eggs, you will never know how it tastes unless you put it in your mouth. As a kid growing up in the 80's the war on drugs was a real battle. "Hey kids, don't get fried on drugs", as our Saturday morning cartoons got interrupted by a guy holding up an egg, "This is your brain", then proceeded to crack it into a hot frying pan, "This is your brain on drugs!". I learned early on that I did not want to go through life fried. The word Poach got me thinking. The origin is derived from the word "poke" and also the "pouch". During the time of William the Conqueror, rigid laws were put in place called Pleas of the Forest. These forest laws caused an uprising from the commoners, hence they started hiding their game in pouches to subvert any wrongdoing. Putting eggs in a pouch is the best way to poach, a clever connection. But, the word itself is synonymous with evil-doers, as poaching was a crime punishable by death. Poaching to feed the family, or making laws to restrict people from being self-sustainable, this is the question? After my research on poaching it got my blood boiling. Lord William was clearly an egg-o maniac, a lord of the hoards. It is hard to contain my emotionally hardened heart, as the trick of suppressing the commoner has been there since the beginning of time. There is a simmering taking place, and at a certain point, boiling over is inevitable. Many people are beyond soft yolks but are unsure where to devote their time and energy. Many people are scrambled beyond comprehension, fried mentally, seen as poachers, and their emotions have boiled over. Coercion and manipulation have been fed to us our whole lives. As adults, due to our life lessons, we often need to taste with the tip of our tongue what we are being served. We don't want to swallow the whole meal if it tastes bad, life has made us skeptical. Furthermore, much of what we are being fed today will make us sick, both physically and mentally. Can we trust eating green eggs? "Trust in the Lord"... One thing that I have studied is the above statement. What Lord are we trusting? Are we trusting the Lord who makes all the rules because they think we are fools? Or are we trusting the Lord who has taken its seat on the throne of God? The throne of God is your heart and your body is the temple. "Choose this day whom you will serve" should be simple, but the difficulty is in the mind. We want our life (eggs) prepared in a manner that resonates with our soul. We want our life to be Sunnyside Up and not Hard Boiled. We want to be equally yolked, the same as everyone else, but the beauty is we're not. We are all different, we all like eggs prepared in a different way. Some of us love runny yolks that spread all over the plate, the extravert of eggs. Some of us are hard and don't venture too far, it's okay. Life is amazing if you give it a try. Even Sam agrees, when we taste a bit of heaven it will set us free. By the vessel, William John PS I did try some Brussels sprouts at a fancy restaurant a few weeks ago, and they were heavenly. "Are they a Christian?" many question with a condescending tone. This is the question that I hate answering because it is usually asked in judgment and condemnation. If you are a Christian, at this present moment, you may be shaking your head in disagreement. Yet others are questioning, "Why?". It is because unless someone is a Christian they are going to... HELL... oops... OK... there I said it?!? This past week I was having coffee with my significant other when we started discussing the "isms", like Mormonism, Baptism, Communism, Buddhism, Judaism, etc. The conversation got sour when she insisted that Christianity is the only "ITY", and therefore it is the one and the only way to God. I must admit, she got me thinking. As we were arguing our points of reasoning I stopped and looked up the ism and ity suffix meaning. Ism is defined as a distinctive practice, system, or philosophy, typically a political ideology, religious sectarian understanding, or an artistic movement. ITY is used to form abstract nouns expressing state, condition, or quality: This debate stopped in its tracks when I realized that Christians are right, maybe not on the understanding of the "hell" thing, but rather, on the fact that Jesus is the only way. Please keep reading, as it is the understanding of what this means that has got everyone from non-believers to dogmatic retrievers in such disagreement and/or state of flux. All isms are designed to find the state, condition, or quality of the ITY. What?? If we take the word Communism most will understand this as a political ideology and theorize the best way to implement the ism which includes the social and economic, wait for it... COMMUNITY. The community in this example is a result of the ism. So people who follow communism will ultimately be an expression of the community in which they live. Unfortunately, unity is lost in the community if there is no obedience or agreeance to the ism. Let us try another example. Humanitarianism is the ism of humanity. The condition, state, or quality of any humanitarian effort is examined through the promotion of human welfare and social reform. A good humanitarian will have a conviction to do the best he/she can for the welfare of all humanity. It is the state of doing, the humanitarian efforts, that creates the state of being in humanity. Should we ask, as people who make up all of humanity, if someone is a humanitarian? How would we know if someone is a humanitarian? The condition of their heart, the state of their being, and the quality of their works will be manifested in a good humanitarian, I think everyone would agree with this. We are all human but not every human is seen as a humanitarian, it is our efforts that dictate whether or not humanitarianism is benefiting humanity. In the case of the Christian, should we ask someone if they are a Christian? I have been exposed to both sides of the debate, and understand where the trains of thought have stemmed from to ask such a question of someone we don't know. We should be able to observe someone and determine whether they are a Christian without ever asking them, right? Well now, that is muddy. After 25 years in Christian circles, I can usually tell from outward appearance, outward works, or outward speech the ism or denomination an individual identifies with. These isms do not make a person a follower of Christ, any more than thinking that Jesus was a donkey because he was born in a manger. Not to be condescending just an observation. I am very aware that many isms will not transform into a condition or ITY, and vice versa. But it got me thinking that when dealing with the structure of healthy or good unity, community, humanity, or Christianity we judge on the condition of the heart. This brings me to the thousands of isms that surround any ITY. Are the isms of an IAN or IST exposing the condition, state, or quality of the ITY? Let's try this again. Does practicing Baptism (ism) under the Christian (ian) or Methodist (ist) faith exposing the condition, state, or quality of Christianity (ity)? If a good humanitarian does not call themself a Christian are they automatically refused entry into the Kingdom of God? Another extreme. What about people who join cults, biker gangs, or secret societies, are they automatically extinguished from the Kingdom of God? Can you be a Heaven's Gate unitarian, Hell's Angel Christian, or Illuminati humanitarian? In the context of the group community, absolutely. In context to the communities outside the groups, probably not. For the sake of this blog, I may consider writing about this at another time, but... we can't serve two masters. Calling ourselves a humanitarian, civilian, Samaritan, Libertarian, or Christian comes with the responsibility of fulfilling the conditions, state, or quality of the community it represents. Jesus uses the parable of the good Samaritan to drive home the point that it is not the isms that one is associated with, it is a condition of the heart. Jesus used the most despised community of the day to show that the Samaritan's quality of action was due to his good state of mind. It is said that "The mediator between the head and the hands is the heart" or like the bible says "You will know them by their fruit". The narrow road, that so many Christians fail to understand, is the condition, state, and/or quality of the heart. Jesus says that "I and the Father are one", "The Kingdom of Heaven is within", "I sit at the right-hand side of God", and "Love one another". Christ was directing us to pay attention to our hearts, as this is where the throne of God resides. Everyone has a heart that mediates between the mind and hands. Choosing who we put on the throne will determine how we think and how we put our heart's desire into action. If we are good we will live in heaven, or the opposite is true. The kingdom of heaven, the kingdom of God, and the love of Christ reside in the same place, the heart. Choose this day whom you will follow, comes to mind quickly, and I choose to follow a heart of flesh, not to be confused with a fleshly desire. Selflessness over selfishness. Love over hate. Hugs and gentle kisses over arms crossed dismissiveness. OK, kisses might be a strange act in our culture today, but you get the point If the narrow way is the heart, then the broad road that leads to destruction is the isms. Now I hope you understand why I find questioning someone's heart repugnant. As someone who loves the teachings of Jesus, I am reminded that we are to edify and build one another up. We are to encourage one another to do good deeds, not for boasting but so everyone will enter the kingdom seat of God. The next time someone asks me if someone is a Christian, I need to remember myself of this. I need to answer with something like, "I know that they have a heart that does the right thing" or "I understand why they struggle to do good". It does not matter what group, sect, or affiliation someone associates with, as long as the ism has a positive result to the ITY. In my conclusion, the isms don't determine the man or woman or society, it is the condition, state, or quality of the ITY, mediator, or heart we choose to be. We need to do the right thing, can I encourage us to be the vessels for the change the world so desperately needs. This is done by transforming our isms into great communities or cities of unity and charity. By the vessel, William John Why do I care about the thousand-year reign in my brain? It is insane if you dare to deep-dive with me into the craziest theories known to humankind. You know, the insanity of the alternative narrative that most people call kooky, crazy, or loonie. The insane asylum is where people belong who even utter the ideas of Flat Earth, Tartarian, or the Thousand Year Reign. But today, I am challenged to find some bizarre meaning behind the controversy of "crazier than conspiracy" conspiracies. I was a strong proponent of the conspiracy community from the early years of the 911 truther movement. I knew that the mainstream media (MSM), was lying, or at the very least being manipulated to carry out misinformation from an unknown group of nefarious controllers at the top of some multi-level pyramid scheme. There was no debate that we were being lied to, as story after story of engineers, architects, pilots, firemen, police, independent media, and so on, all gave different accounts of the circumstances that happened that tragic day than the MSM. If we were paying attention, buildings don't collapse without a great amount of strategic effort, such was the case with WTC Building 7 at 5 pm on September 11, 2001. This should have been the end of debates, but it wasn't. Over the years we were being bombarded with so much MSM infotainment that it was hard to keep up. Distraction after distraction kept the truth movement alive with different theories of what in the "hell" was/is going on. One conspiracy that blew my mind, and had me thinking it's gone too far is Flat Earth. Seriously, what an absolute bizarre and backward thought. This debate was settled in 1492, or so we were told, when Christopher Columbus sailed the seven seas, when he accidentally found the already heavily inhabited North America, not to mention the seance (sorry science). End of story, or is it? Flat Earth, as strange as it may sound, brings up theories that start to make sense if we choose to stop, listen, and pay attention. Many of us indoctrinated and institutionalized inhabitants of the earth have been conditioned to be trained sheep. We have been shepherded into our mindless, heartless, and cowardly life pens. When challenged to open the gate and see greener pastures many of us are defeated by the gatekeepers of the MSM and institutionalized narrative. Our shepherds have us tranquilized by the fear of being mocked or slandered, or worse yet, cut off from the system that has been bred into our souls. As a result, it is easier to be a sheep than a goat, and besides for some of us, being a sheep is Biblical. Who wants to step into the world of the unknown, and be cut off from the comfortable system of complacency? We trust that our shepherds are honorable and God-fearing. Over the years when I have traveled parts of North and Central America I am astounded at the grandiosity of ancient architecture and marveled at the abilities of the supposed savage populous. Due to my gift of discernment, I can't help my skepticism when examining the old world, especially in light of the narrative being programmed into our minds regarding ancient history. One of the most baffling narratives that I have been questioning now for years is the Salem Oregon State Capitol buildings. I was fortunate to have visited the buildings in 2015, they are truly spectacular and awe-inspiring. The current structure was opened in 1938 and was sheathed in brilliant Vermont marble, and it is not just a thin facade of marble, but thick slabs and several feet in area (I can't find the actual dimensions online, but they are massive). Let this sink in for one moment, Vermont is approximately 3, 100 miles from Salem, and each one of these hundreds, if not thousands, of massive slabs was shipped in just over two years. Another perplexing mystery is the suspicious fires, one in 1855 and the second in 1935. It is difficult to find the history of the pre-1855 building, and the narrative is muddy at best. From most historical accounts the original structure was open to the public in 1876 after 20 years of reconstruction from the first fire. It maintained the original antiquity of Roman architecture consisting of domes, vaults, aediculae (small shrines or temples), and coffers (fancy ceilings) until the second fire. When studying any North American capitol building, the narrative is always the same, burned and re-built in the 1800's with extensive re-construction in the 1900's. What is the big deal? Who cares? I have an unquenchable thirst for truth. I am fascinated by ancient architecture and building techniques. I find that so much has been lost and that we are building cities with no soul, as city planners, engineers, and architects work with their heads, not their bodies. There is no cornerstone of any modern building, only machine dug, and machine-poured foundations of man-made man-ufactured materials. The ancient civilizations build cities with purpose and style, using their mind, body, and soul. The Roman and Greek-designed buildings are still found all over the world, even in North America. We were never savages, and it appears that from the beginning of time, we were made in the image of God. I sometimes struggle with my understanding of being made in God's image. I have come to my understanding this way. If I create something, it is made from my image, or in the image of William. We are made in the image of God, and like God, some of us have a desire to design and create. Being made in the image of God has other challenges as well, as some people are wanting to be God. Some people create and design to bring glory to themselves, and in the case of social and political manufacturing, what is the real agenda? Is this manufacturing to glorify our creator or the created? It has been written that Jesus is the cornerstone of our lives. The ancient builders knew that the main structure of any design needed a large unmovable rock, called a cornerstone. The bigger the structure, the larger the cornerstone. The army of men and women built cities one cornerstone at a time, on the strong foundation of working in unity, piecing together spectacular dwellings for places of worship, gatherings, mingling, and unification. It has been theorized, in the light of all the evidence from the Flat Earth community, that nothing is as it seems. The idea that early European settlers to America "found" buildings and inhabited them, is not so farfetched, as many ancient buildings were "Founded in insert year here". This would also fulfill much of the prophecies recorded on ancient scrolls regarding the return of Jesus and the thousand-year reign. This is to suggest that we may be living in the time that Satan has been released from his prison to deceive the nations. As the destruction the ancient world architecture continues the historical truth is destroyed as well. The Flat Earth community's commitment to finding truth within the mountain of lies and misinformation is to be praised not admonished. We need to scrutinize with eyes to see and ears to hear, not glace to dismiss the theories that don't marry with our indoctrinated worldview. All this being said; Does it really matter if the world is flat or round? Does it really matter if we are building structures for man's ego or God? Does it really matter if timelines have been changed or if our understanding of history is compromised? Some say, "YES ABSOLUTELY", but I'm not sure I agree with this strong resistance anymore. It's dividing, not uniting. I am more interested in the heart of the matter. Are the continual lies and misinformation designed to keep us from the true love of God, and serving the controllers of the world? If the answer is YES ABSOLUTELY then we have only one solution, "Do not be partakers of a system built on lies!" Instead, we need to stand together and build our unified communities on a strong cornerstone. "And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues." Revelation 18:4 By the vessel, William John |
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