![]() The month of June has been highjacked by pride, and might I add, a twisted understanding of the word and its action. I have been guilty of the spirit of pride. I have faced this charge over the years, but nothing more significant than what happened this spring with the uncovering of vandalism to my old van. I bring this back to our attention, as I spent over 20 years hanging onto a possession that I spent thousands of hours and money into, only to have some of these hours and money destroyed at the hands of misguided youthful energy. I have been proud of this van, but am I proud because of the work I've done, the money I've spent, or am I show-boating with a "look at what I have"? I teeter on my purpose of having this possession, as I know I must put people before possessions. With my admittance of being prideful, something else has been consuming my thoughts lately, humility. I have been involved over the years with groups that claim that the feeling of guilt is not from God. This stands out in my mind, as there is only one unforgivable sin recorded in New Testament biblical texts, "Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit". I struggled for years to understand the meaning of this ambiguous language, but then it dawned on me, no remorse for wrongdoing. Humility from a feeling of guilt can be forgiven, but pride leads to destruction, as no remorse for wrongdoing ruins the soul. Ruining the soul is the true nature of Pride Month. As far back as I can remember, I have been heavily influenced by Native American and/or Indigenous culture. From my many Native friends to girlfriends or my adopted families, I love the indigenous way of living. The attraction has been the humble nature that runs deep in the souls of the Native American indigenous life. The connection to nature and our creator are core values within most of the Indigenous families that I have had the pleasure of being connected with. The native way is not to exploit resources but to always put back in nature more than we extract. The native way was to share, as everything within the tribes belonged to everyone else. The native way was not to store up treasures here on earth, but to leave behind a better inheritance or legacy for their children. It is what our Creator God had intended from the beginning, living in unity and caring for creation. Indigenous humility comes from our Creator and is found in the strongest foundations of love and community. Indigenous life is not a Native American exclusive club, it is the knowledge of our earliest ancestorial habitation. The unfortunate truth is that the indigenous way has been compromised by the colonial way. Colonization is based on feeding the greed and gluttony of the most powerful kings (and queens), by building possessions through the suppression and compliance of commoners. Taking instead of giving, selling instead of sharing, which is now in the minds of just about everyone I am in contact with, including my Indigenous family. Due to institutionalized socialism, based on the protocols of global governance, the whole world has been ushered into the compliant obedience of the unknown leader. The king of the castle now resides in the heart. What do I mean? "Look at what I built", "Look at what I have" and "Look at ME!", runs strong in the minds of the colonizers, it's pride, and it comes from the heart. Placed there through the mind control slogans like, "Those with the most stuff wins", "You deserve it", "Just Do It!", or "Do what thou wilt". Materialization and colonization have hypnotized us into submission, to a system that has been built to destroy our souls. The duality of the serpent's tongue has polluted the pride that comes from a job well done to a sadistic sexual orientation. The rainbow has been highjacked to symbolize pride instead of promise. Indigenous humility appears weak and passive instead of strong and active. The indigenous humility is dying, being replaced with the unhealthy pride that comes from the "tricksters" of mind control learned through the colonizers. Many people have exposed the trick over the years, but nobody is more prominent than Jesus (at least in my mind). The most important movement in religious history came from the story found in Acts. The story is one of humility and unity, which spread through the nations of earth rapidly with conviction. The spirit of God was residing in the heart, and it mattered not what tribe or nation you were associated with. It only mattered who you placed on the throne. There were only two options: Jesus or Satan. The juxtaposition, yin-yang, or duality within the two characters would be understandable in every nation, tongue, and creed on earth. A simple message, "who would govern our temple and sit on the throne of our heart?" It was clear, "Blessed are the humble, for they shall inherit the earth.". The verdict is in: Pride is destroying humanity and our souls . I have played in the minefield of misinformation from hypnotic images and slogans, which is the promotion of pride. I have tried, with dire consequences, to fit into the matrix. I have now found my purpose for living, and it is exposing the matrix for what it is, "a fraud!". I am a small part of the puzzle, and so are you. Together, through understanding, unity, and humility, we can slay the beast of deadly sins, one of which is pride. The manipulators have played on our competitive nature. The pride that swells in the spirit from being the best, first, or special should be momentary. Sure, it's entertaining to watch our favorite team, celebrity, or country win the golden treasure, but in the arena of the heart, nobody is better than anyone else. Egotistical pride should not be the desire of our hearts, as someone is always jockeying for the top spot. We are all hands and feet to a much bigger universal assignment, loving one another. As we finished Pride Month together, I was saddened by all the images of hate. The many placards with slogans that read "Not Today Jesus!" plastered over the pentagram star. It was obvious to many people that pride has now been exposed for what it is, destruction of humanity and our soul. The pride that is being promoted is NOT based on humility, love, compassion, and unity, it is the in-your-face mocking of anyone who does not accept the adoption of colonization to perversion and distortion. It should be clear that a job well done is much different than "look at what I have done, look at all my stuff, look at ME or I'm better because...". Pride without compassion, based on selfishness, without thinking about how it affects others, is the slippery slope to having no remorse. Who will clean up the mess after all the pride partying is finished? I would imagine it will be the humble, the believers in Indigenous humility. I write this with conviction, as I fall short of God's kingdom found in the heart. I pray earnestly for a time that the evil in the world is extinguished, and it starts with the person in the mirror. Love always, William John
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