![]() In March 2020, I heard a bombing voice within my brain say, GO! I wasn't sure what to do with the voice in my head, and I made every effort possible to thwart my movement, as we were on lockdown, and it would be easier to sit in the corner of the living room, watch the show, and eat popcorn. Over the past 4.5 years, I have undergone a transformation like no other time in my 50-plus years of movement on earth. I have lost everything, both materially and spiritually, and have been on a road to recovery. I divorced after 20 years of marriage, and entered an exhausting relationship with a beautiful woman. I struggled because I told the voice in my head and the feeling in my heart that I was willing to do whatever it took to follow my life's path. I was distracted by love, yet I knew I must keep moving. Love is patient and long-suffering, and God graced me with a taste of what true romantic love could feel like, like the Songs of Solomon. Following God is exceedingly difficult in today's environment. Many people, including myself, want to do the right thing, love one another, and do all things honoring God. In relationships, couples are bombarded with whispers from their peers, social media lies, and the next dopamine hit of temporary pleasure. The pressure to be something we are not, due to the strange competition for attention that surrounds us, is overwhelming. Men are being distracted by images of beautiful women, and women are coerced to believe that there is a perfect man on the next swipe-right app. It is insane! Relationships are on a critical road to the abyss. In 2020, I tossed my iPhone into the fire. Convinced that the end of the days was happening, there was no need to carry the mind control device. It was short-lived, as I ended up leaving a 20-year marriage and needed the phone to operate within the system we are manipulated and deceived to accept. I refused to go on social media, but due to my book being ready for publication, I buckled. The social media platforms convinced me this was an easy way to gain sales, blog about my weekly experiences, and drive home the point of my first book. It has been okay, however, it takes up a lot of time, and I receive a plethora of spam and empty promises of driving sales by someone in Africa for a small fee. There is a prophecy in the Bible that I write about in the new book release coming soon, Manifesting the Gods of Gold. It is a deep dive into the abyss and the beast system. It is a very heavy and uncomfortable book due to the nature of the topic. We all possess the beast, and we have been forced to use it in this present economic environment and social experiment. The beast is finally put to rest in Revelation chapter 18, here is a small snippet from the passage, "For in one hour so great riches is come to nought. And every shipmaster, and all the company in ships, and sailors, and as many as trade by sea, stood afar off..." King James Version After this event, a new heaven and a new earth are set up. We will build from the ruins left behind, Isaiah 65, and create the promise of paradise on earth with no more sorrow, no more pain, no more wars, no more lies, deception, or manipulation. Our heavenly judge is Jesus, who dwells in our hearts and puts all his enemies as a footstool under his feet. We are guided by the love of God, through whom Jesus Christ was our intercessor. I was convinced the toilet paper fiasco in 2020 would set in motion this end-of-day event. I was trying to prepare the family for the doom of the internet and smart devices, but it never came. I was made to look foolish in the sight of my peers and family for believing this end-of-day event was something we would experience. "God is in control," I kept hearing, which I agreed, but what God exactly? So I wrote about it. I am on a mission from God to share the truth. It has not been easy, as I have been mocked, slandered, and spit on. I have fought back at times, and my opposition swiftly squashed me to the appropriate place on the social, relational, and economic scale. As a result, I feel alone. The power and strength of the beast are clear, how it has devoured our minds and actions of humanity. Yet, in the light of what I know, I am not alone. Many people are waking up to the control of the dragon spirit, who are vigilant, sober-minded, and working at coming out of the system of agitating rhetoric. I see the light at the end of a long, dark, miserable, and lonely tunnel. I began writing again to shed light on where we are, but more importantly, where we are going. I have two other books on the go. For this reason, I will continue to use the system to further these projects. However, the pressure of doing weekly blogs may start to fade as I focus more on person-to-person missions. I will be coming out of the system soon. Either on my own accord or the complete failure meltdown, whichever comes first. I am preparing to be a light in the darkness and share love through my writing, but more importantly in my actions. I look forward to my future, and have faith that my journey is not exhausted. I am learning to allow any inhibitions to be resolved so that I can trust what God has in store for us all. As God directs and guides us, we all have the power within ourselves to be vigilant and sober-minded so we can all share in the love that has been poured out on us, by being examples of light and vessels of hope. By the vessel, William John
![]() If you were to Google The Cremation of Care, you would discover the Bohemian Grove ritual ceremony. The ceremony at Bohemian Grove is a smorgasbord of conspiratorial understandings and beliefs, I am not interested in the conspiracies, I only want to shed light on the mindset of our controllers and the mystery of the ancient ritual. In the year 2000, I was having yet another relationship and identity crisis. It seemed that trying to find purpose and the perfect partner to live out my purpose (whatever the heck that was) came to an abrupt halt. I was having suicidal thoughts because living in this world seemed pointless. My boss at work gave me much-needed time off and suggested I see a psychologist. I accepted the offer and sought a psychologist to help formulate my purpose. I spent the better part of my life trying to find God. I was amazed that not many people had the desire to find God, and this was where my psychologist and my psychosis battled for control of my understanding. After only 3 sessions with the psychologist listening to my suicidal tendencies, he told me something that will forever sit in my cranium. …You are young, handsome, charming, and smart. Now go out and make as much money as possible and stop caring so much… I was bothered by what he said. I have empathy, I love too much, and my heart was broken too many times to count. The only advice this well-studied, mind-examining, over-zealous, guru of psyche manipulation hypnotism was to make money and not care... Geesh! Don't care for people, don't fall in love, and do not take life so seriously, because it is all fleeting. But the Bible says (arguing strongly about what I understand)… We become seekers of pleasure, rather than seekers of God; Love thy neighbor as ourselves; Love never ceases; Live in the world, but don't be a part of it. At this point in my life, it was the worst advice I had ever received, and to top it off, he did not see any reason to discuss it further and cut me off from further sessions. So, I did what anyone would do, I took his advice and started to be more committed to my work and began making more money. I started to make new friends and tried my best not to get attached to anyone because I needed to learn to burn any cares away, except one, making money. This is what the Cremation of Care is all about, letting go of things that you care for. The ceremony at Bohemian Grove is a yearly ritual for letting go of things in our lives that we care for. The ceremony uses a small child (mimicking a two-year-old) effigy, which is then burned on the altar. The mock ceremony stage is ignited with flashing lights, smoke, and loudspeakers to drown out the noise of the child being burned to death. The screams, whaling, and gnashing of teeth pour out of the loudspeakers, designed to evoke feelings of sadness, guilt, remorse, anger, fear, pain, and suffering. The spectacle composes the ancient Phoenician and Ammonite sacrifices to their god Molech. It is the same ritualistic practice where Abraham (the father of all nations) was asked to sacrifice his son Isaac. This is where Jesus comes in. Jesus was strongly against the sacrificing of children, duh... Jesus, and being mindful or conscientious of his teachings needs to be addressed. On its own, the cremation ceremony is neither good nor bad, it is the juxtaposition. Meaning it separates the intention. Jesus also separated the intention. Our intention should be to care for others first and then reap the love that the intention produces. In our modern day, the cares of this world far outweigh the cares for each other. We put pets before romantic relationships. We chase promises of a new car, a new home, or more snap, crap, or pop, before family and friends. It was the same in the days of Jesus, however, since that time the practice of sacrificing children openly has diminished. We are now building Golden Calves, and nobody is the wiser, we are doomed. The Cremation of Care should be about examining the heart. Where and what are we applying our care to, hoards or hearts? Over the past four years, many of us have been forced to re-examine where to put our care. With inflation soaring out of control and people ending up homeless and hopeless, it is hard to know what to burn. The money we accumulated over the years to build our carefree foundation of greed and gluttony has diminished. Relationship stress, broken cars, trucks, boats, and the latest snap, crap, and pop, are all designed to fail. Everything seems fleeting. Again, like 25 years ago, I have been seeking counsel from someone more knowledgeable than myself. This time I refuse to go to a psychologist whose intention is to keep us away from the God of heaven. The doctors, psychologists, counselors, and social workers are commissioned by the god of this world, to make money. Like twenty-five years ago, I have been praying and meditating, but this time my intention is different. I have concluded that I need to burn certain cares away, and I have been on a ritualistic sacrifice of the things that burden my soul. The God of Heaven, which resides in our hearts, is my counsel and strength, and I trust in the security promised by following the great counselor. What does this look like? For each person the intention is different. The burning ceremony is a cleansing. Exhuming the pain and suffering that has bound us in the worldly abyss of greed and slavery, symbolically called Sodom and Egypt, should be the God-centered intention, becoming born again, new growth. This new growth in Jesus’ days was called Pentecost, where the tongues of fire gave way to the new spirit, it was synonymous with water baptism. The burning away of the old cares to make way for a new promise. The apostles sold all they had, which allowed them to pour into hearts of people, instead of possessions. Burning the material that has bound us is an incredible feeling of freedom, peace, and security. Images and thoughts of hate, anger, bitterness, and strife need to be laid on the altar to be symbolically burned, where the smoke of the torment has no control over our souls any longer. The Cremation of Care ceremony should be taken very seriously, as it exposes what controls our hearts. Having a desire to care for people and coming out of a system designed to enslave us is difficult. It is easy to stay stuck in a system of familiarity. The same story repeated from the beginning of time. Loving others should be our true intention, finding forgiveness and burning up the past so humanity can start building a new earth with no more sorrow or pain, for the former things have been put to death or cremated. If the Cremation of Care ceremony interests you, send me a message. As always, find ways to love the unlovable. By the vessel, William John ![]() All you leave behind is a reputation… I wanted to write this week about something different, but I guess it will wait another week, as the loss of a friend has impacted me greatly. Death is a hard concept. The feelings of loss from those you care for can be excruciatingly difficult, especially when people die at 52 years young. In my mind such a tragedy. She accepted everyone as family, and everybody reciprocated by calling her Sis. I met her when she was only 15 through her bigger brother. She was a big presence in any room, had an infectious laugh, told you her opinions, was strong-willed, but the most loving person you ever met, and did I mention, funny. Oh, my goodness, she could make you laugh. The funeral this week was so beautiful, sad, but beautiful. I went with my 20-year-old daughter, who wanted to support her dad and honor a lady who touched our family. We found some seats, and as I looked around the packed auditorium, I started reminiscing which led me to tears. My daughter said, “Dad, the service hasn’t even started yet”. I replied, “I told you this was going to be a hard one for me.” I love this family, more than words can express. All of them! They are honestly what living a wholesome God-centered life is all about, sharing LOVE! Sis’s mom, Joan, was a surrogate mom to every kid who entered her kitchen. No, she didn’t birth us from her womb, something more important, she taught us how to be born again with a renewed understanding of love. She listened, and gave hugs if needed, as she pushed another BBQ meatball in front of us. Joan was never too shy to tell us about the love she found in Jesus. Joan didn’t just talk about Jesus, she lived it, and so did Sis. Sis was sewn from the same cloth, loving, caring, hospitable, a love vessel, and did I mention funny. Forgiving was something that I did not think Sis had anything to concern herself with, apparently, she did. As I talked with old friends and got perspective of how Sis’s last days were spent, she was still giving wholesome Godly advice, but from what I understand, she asked for forgiveness from anyone she felt she had wronged over the years. This would not have been easy, because she had over 700 sign-in visitors over 10 days, confirmed and true. "Yes, there were over 700 hundred sign-in visitations. Some were people coming back and forth, but there was a very steady flow of new faces during her 10 days in Hospice. Some days there were lines out into the hallway with others waiting in the lobby. It was pretty remarkable." Rog (Sis's brother) Remarkable, indeed! Put that into perspective, 700 people went to see her on her deathbed, approximately 70 people a day. Seven times seventy times, I think she put it to the test. She was a woman that will not soon be forgotten, she was a remarkable God-centered vessel, carrying love. “Forgive, because you just don’t know when this life will end” read by Sis’s two sons in a joint effort eulogy. It is important to live a life free from the guilt of wronging someone, to have remorse for perceived wrongdoing is an honorable trait. Recognizing your own faults as you look in the mirror. Asking for forgiveness will set us free from the judgment of perceived wrongdoing and open the opportunity to grow in love. It also reveals where your heart is, we all make mistakes, as no one is perfect, and intentions are the keys to the heart. Many people who hate will have intentions to get even, manipulate, accuse, and hurt, as the saying goes “Hurt people hurt people”. Cliché’, maybe? But it has been my experience that people possessed by hate, stuck from past wrongdoing, project feelings of anger when something does not fit their mindset. The opposite is true when asking for forgiveness from a softened heart based on love. Honestly, if someone as beautiful as Sis can humble herself, and ask for forgiveness, let that be a lesson for us all. I’m not suggesting that she is perfect, but from most onlookers and people in her life, she had nothing to be sorry for, a true gem. She was the walking testament of living life honoring the God she served, not by words, but by action. Something else I took from Sis’s living testimony of living a harmonious life, leading by example. She was married for over 30 years, and her mom was married for over 50. I remember years ago sitting at the kitchen table with Momma Joan, and she was gazing at her husband Roger (as she always did) and she said something that pierced my heart fiercely, “Isn’t he dreamy! You know, out of all the women that Roger could have, he picked me!”. She adored her husband, not because he was perfect, but because he picked her. She always gazed at him with awe. Most men desire to be adored by their wives in this manner. Men will slay dragons and move mountains for this kind of love and affection, Roger reciprocated because men love to be wanted and adored. The same was true for Sis’, she adored and honored her husband, and her husband reciprocated. In a world full of fake social profiling; me, myself, and I attitude; 20-second dopamine hits; and next failed relationship of promise; my example was found in this family. They have always been a beacon of hope for healthy romantic and neighborly relationships. They did their best to mimic the life of Jesus. Was it easy, no! But, sticking together and fighting battles as a family was key to their existence, to be loving. As my daughter and I traveled home, I wondered how she took everything in. She never knew Sis’s family as I did, but I don’t think you could sit through the service and not be moved by love. My daughter lives in a time of great deception and delusional reasoning. She lives in a time of fake profiles; me, myself, and I attitude; 20-second dopamine hits; the next failed relationship promises; and “don’t put up with their shit” rhetoric. Where will she turn, for God-centered examples? I have not been a good example to my children, but I realize it takes two to formulate a God-centered family. It is easy to have kids, but not so easy to create a deep soul connection with a partner without the proper formula. Joan and Sis took a few pages from the good book by loving their husbands with a God-centered approach, starting in the heart. I never heard them complain about their spouse, and when problems did arise, Joan would give the best advice, “Go love on each other”, and in Joan’s world this meant “Tonsil Hockey”. Nothing was so serious that you couldn’t work it out…and that is the best advice anyone could give. To my extended family, thank you for being an example of God-centered wholesome vessels by carrying love in your hearts. After everything, our loss is not a tragedy but a blessing and a lesson to so many seekers of love. By the vessel, William John ![]() Several years ago my (then) wife and I went to Waterton National Park for an Anniversary get-away. We were both Baby Christians (at least that is the consensus if you’re under 10 years strong). We stayed at a quaint hotel in the small Rocky Mountain community, and like most hotels and motels throughout Canada and the USA, there is a bible in the bedside table drawer. However, this bible was a bit different, it was the Book of Mormon. I perused through the introduction and maybe through the first chapter, and I found it amusing, at the very least. The introduction told the story of how the book came to be, and how Joseph Smith came across some Golden Plates with ancient writing on them in the hills of the modern state of New York. Joseph was given a gift from God (If memory serves, they were glasses) to interpret the mysterious Golden plates. After he wrote the new book, about how Jesus came to the New World (America) to give the gospel message to the native population, he was told to destroy the Golden Plates. I thought it was convenient, as thousands of ancient scrolls outline the story of civilizations from the creation of Adam and Eve and everything in-between. But this is not my main concern, it was a little note before the introduction on the blank page, presumably written by a young teenage girl, which read: Dear reader of this Book, If you are unsure if the words contained in this book are real, I would encourage you to pray. I had grown up not knowing if what I was reading was true, and after I prayed the spirit of God filled my heart. I now know that the Book of Mormon is true. With love, from a daughter of the Prophet (It is not verbatim, but you should get the idea) I got a very unsettling feeling after reading the little note, and it frightened me knowing that some young girl was being manipulated to believe such rubbish. I got the feeling of the spirit piercing my heart and soul less than 10 years earlier, we couldn’t both be right, could we? Her experience was from the devil I surmised, mine was genuine. But something else was welling up inside my spirit, understanding. I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that the young lady was under a hypnotic spell, but maybe I was as well. Moving on to this week… I heard some clapping and praise on the weekend, so I went to check out what all the commotion was about, it was a baptism. I have always been overjoyed when people make a public confession of their faith and are willing to announce to on-lookers the joy and peace they have from finding Jesus, the manifestation of God. I was surprised to see it was someone I knew, and I tried to encourage them, although most of the time I feel I give into my warrior rhetoric. I truly believe that when the spirit of God hits our soul the enemy is right at the doorstep challenging our decision, but my understanding and angle of Christian pulpit theology has changed. In 2018 it was an unconventional Christian book that changed my habitual manner of thinking, and was further exemplified 2 years later with Convid. It appears that long-standing Christians were waking up to some disturbing truths about Christian origins and the gatekeepers of the pulpit, and they wrote about it. This was MIND-BLOWING! 'Do you mean to tell me that there are wolves in sheep's clothing in the church, and the buildings that Christians are coerced to attend? Do you mean to tell me that there are people who started churches that knew the secret sorcery of the past to lie, deceive, and manipulate our ideas of God while starting churches to steal our money and lose our souls?' NO WAY! 'I’m right, and everyone who does not follow the God of the Holy Scriptures is wrong, as I stand firm in my convictions about the words in the Bible being the only inspired word of God', I insist in stubborn protest! Not everyone is convinced that what they are feeling is anything more than the human conditioning, maybe this is true, but what do I know... From the “manipulated”(being facetious) Bible, "... And YOU shall love the Lord YOUR God with all YOUR heart, and with all YOUR soul, and with all YOUR mind, and with all YOUR strength: this is the first commandment. And the second is like it, love YOUR neighbor as YOURSELF. There is no other commandment greater than these..." - Mark 12 30-31 YOUR God is in you! Mind-blowing concept I know. Denominationalism, religiosity, and spirituality that convince us to look for God outside of ourselves is false doctrine, PERIOD! Sorry to people who believe in the outward Jesus coming back to save you, stop waiting because he/it lives inside every person. I realize that not everyone manifests the spirit of Christ, but this is for another topic. If you expect that God will send you a perfect spouse, a perfect house, a perfect wife, or a perfect life, you are waiting for the antichrist. If you are waiting for God to send his son again to make all things right in the world, you are waiting for the antichrist. If you are waiting for God to take you out of here because you hate how people dress, how people act, or how people look then you are following the antichrist. If you look in the mirror and say, “I don’t like what I see” and choose to see all the wrong in people, then work is needed in your heart. This dogmatic teaching is polluting the work required to truly move with God, Allah, the Holy Spirit, Jesus, Yeshua, the Universe, or the ‘Most High’. Everything we feel is from God. The young Mormon girl had a true God experience when she prayed. The Muslim man who cried out to God to save his family, and then lived through the evil bombings and bloodshed, experienced God. Yes, even the drug-induced psychotic addict on the dirty streets of East Van who said take these drugs from my hand, who heard the voice of God say, let go of the drugs and drop to your knees. Everyone heeding the call of the spirit within their mind, body, and soul conversion was mind-blowing real. The conversion from death to life is real. Being saved, from wars, drugs, alcohol, or predators, is real. The feelings are real, as they come from God, and now we turn feelings into action. It didn’t matter where the converts went from there, as long as they understood that they were walking with God. We should now be able to look in the mirror and say, “I love myself because I love God”. What ever you choose YOUR God to be, is for YOU, because it resides inside of YOU! If you read this and still aren't convinced, may I suggest, that you take to prayer, like Matthew 6, to the inner room where God exists. Be Vessels! By the vessel, William John |
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